Browse by Author

Hammond, Nicky (2022) A sketch from a master. David Cox's drawing of St David's College. In: Treasures: the Special Collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. University of Wales Press, Cardiff, pp. 32-35. ISBN 9781786839015
Gooding, Ruth and Hammond, Nicky (2022) 200 biographies celebrating Lampeter's bicentenary. Other. University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Online.
Gooding, Ruth and Hammond, Nicky (2022) 200 bywgraffiad yn dathlu daucanmlwyddiant Llambed. Other. Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, Ar-lein.
Hammond, Nicky (2022) 'A bird's eye view.' Charles Robert Cockerell - architect of St David's College. In: Treasures: the Special Collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. University of Wales Press, Cardiff, pp. 28-31.