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Meredith, John and Whitehead, Nik and Dacey, Michael (2022) Aligning Semantic Interoperability Frameworks with the FOXS Stack for FAIR Health Data. Methods of Information in Medicine, 62. ISSN 2511-705X
Ferriz-Papi, Juan and Weekes, Edward and Whitehead, Nik and Lee, Angela (2022) A cost-effective recycled aggregates classification procedure for construction and demolition waste evaluation. Construction and Building Materials, 324 (126642). ISSN 0950-0618
Meredith, John and Whitehead, Nik and Dacey, Michael (2021) Utilising the FOXS Stack for FAIR Architected Data Access. Studies in health technology and informatics, 287. pp. 134-138. ISSN 1879-8365
Whitehead, Nik and Telford, Colin (2017) Learning beacons - using the Internet of Things to deliver health and safety materials in student workshops. In: 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 16th-18th November, 2017, Seville, SPAIN.
Whitehead, Nik (2012) Teaching Use Case Modelling Using Fluxx. In: 1st Annual Conference on the aiming for excellence in STEM learning and teaching, 12-13 April 2012, London.
Whitehead, Nik (2012) The Use of Assessment Grids in Teaching Database Modelling with Mixed-Language Postgraduate Students. University of Wales Trinity Saint David.