Items where Division is "Institutes and Academies > Institute of Education and Humanities > Academic Discipline: Childhood, Youth and Education" and Year is 2022

Murphy, Alison and Waters-Davies, Jane (2022) The Children’s Rights Approach to Early Childhood Education: Policy and Context in Wales. In: Inclusive Pedagogies for Early Childhood Education: Respecting and Responding to Differences in Learning. Taylor & Francis.
Oksanen, Lea and Healey-Benson, Felicity and McCallum, Elin (2022) Take a Chance on CPD! How One School Put its Faith in the EntreCompEdu CPD Programme and Developed Whole-School Collective Entrepreneurial Education. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny (66/4). pp. 138-162.
Rekers, Angela and Waters-Davies, Jane (2022) Cultural Framing of Expectations for Play. In: Introduction to Play. SAGE. (In Press)
Thomas, Enlli Môn and Lloyd-Williams, Siân and Parry, Nia Mererid and ap Gruffudd, Gwiliym Siôn and Parry, David and Williams, Gwawr Maelor and Jones, Delyth and Hughes, Sioned and Evans, Rhodri Aled and Brychan, Anna (2022) Accessing Welsh during the Covid-19 pandemic: challenges and support for non-Welsh-speaking households. Project Report. Llywoddraeth Cymru/Welsh Government.
Waters-Davies, Jane (2022) Children's Right to Play. In: Introduction to Play. SAGE. (In Press)
Webster, Harriett and Marx, William (2022) A hugely popular manual. Giovanni Boccaccio and Genealogia deorum gentilium (Venice, 1492) (Lampeter INC 13/14). In: Treasures: the Special Collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. University of Wales Press, Cardiff, pp. 48-51. ISBN 9781786839015