Items where Subject is "F History United States, Canada, Latin America > F1201 Latin America (General)"

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Number of items at this level: 13.


De Figueiredo Azze, Cássio (2019) A production of alterity: The Wayãpi of the Upper Oyapock and isolated groups. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Dransart, Penelope (2019) At the mountains' altar: Anthropology of Religion in an Andean Community. By Frank Salomon. Mountain Research and Development, 39 (1). ISSN 1994-7151

Dransart, Penelope (2017) The curious case of Sir Henry Wellcome's wooden statuette clad in Wari tie-dyed cloth. PreColumbian Textile Conference VII / Jornadas de Textiles PreColombinos VII.

Dransart, Penelope (2016) The sounds and tastes of colours : hue and saturation in Isluga textiles. Mundo Nuevo Mundos Nuevos. ISSN 1626-0252


Haughton, Odayne and Barnes, David (2023) A Comparative Analysis of E-Government in Jamaica and Singapore: An Exploratory Study of Supply-Side Factors. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 26 (2). pp. 116-144. ISSN 2333-6846


Schmidt, Bettina (2024) The “Religio-therapeutic Dimension” of Espiritismo in Brazil and Its Place within the Study of Religions. In: Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in Religious Studies. Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society (31). Brill Schöningh, Paderborn, pp. 245-262. ISBN 9783506 9660 8

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2024) Axé as the cornerstone of Candomblé philosophy and its significance for an understanding of well-being (bem estar). Religious Studies. ISSN 0034-4125

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2016) Contemporary Religions in Brazil. Oxford Handbooks Online.

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2022) The Entanglement of Spirituality, Wellbeing and ‘Spiritual Economy’ in Brazil: The Shift from ‘Living well together’ to ‘Leading a good life’. In: New Spiritualities and the Cultures of Well-Being in Neoliberal Societies. Springer, Cham, switzerland. (Unpublished)

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2016) Körperwissen im Candomblé: Ein Einblick in die Geisterbesessenheit Brasiliens. Paragrana: International Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie, 25 (1). pp. 299-312. ISSN 0938-0116

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2023) Living with Spirits: Spirituality and Health in São Paulo, Brazil. In: Other Worlds, Other Bodies: Embodied Epistemologies and Ethnographies of Healing. Berghahn, Oxford. ISBN 9781800738461

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2015) Spirit Mediumship in Brazil: The Controversy about Semi-Conscious Mediums. DISKUS: The Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions, 17 (2). pp. 38-53. ISSN 0967-8948

Schmidt, Bettina E. and Hödl, Hans Gerald (2023) From Syncretism to Hybridity: Transformations in African-derived American Religions: An Introduction. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 9. pp. 301-309. ISSN 2364-2807

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