Items where Subject is "Q Science > QK Botany"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1670)
- Q Science (156)
- QK Botany (6)
- Q Science (156)
Coombs, Isabella (2025) Living Fabric. Threads of the Unseen. The Silent Architects. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Gooding, Ruth (2022) The beginnings of plant anatomy. Nehemiah Grew, The anatomy of plants. With an idea of a philosophical history of plants. And several other lectures, read before the Royal Society ([London]: Printed by W. Rawlins, for the Author, 1682). In: Treasures: the Special Collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. University of Wales Press, Cardiff, pp. 84-87. ISBN 9781786839015
Humphreys, Rebekah (2011) 'The Moral status of sentient and non-sentient creatures.". In: Issues in Ethics and Animal Rights,. Regency Publications. ISBN ISBN: 81-89233-68-8. ISBN: 978-81-89233-68-6.
Liggins, Andrea (2013) Barcode UK-Moving beyond the Visible: Collaborative Research between a Photographic Artist and Botanical Scientists. 'The International Journal of New Media, Technology, and the Arts, 8. ISSN 2326-9987
Liggins, Andrea (2012) Barcode Wales: Beyond The Visible. Wales Institute of Research in Art & Design.
Morgan-Guy, John (2022) Treasures: The special collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. [Portfolio]