Items where Year is 2003

Al-Olabi, Adnan al-Hamwi (2003) A study and edition of Imām Abd al-Azīz b. Alī b. al-Izz al-Baghdādī al-Bakrī al-Ḥanbalī al-Maqdisī : Junnat al-Ṣābirīn al-Abrār Wa Jannat al-Mutawakkilīn al-Akhyār. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Bennett, Myra (2003) Seventy-four Christian experiences: a comparative study of experiences from four different traditions. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165485
Fox, Mark (2003) Sharing the light: an analysis of RERC archival accounts describing shared experiences of unusual light. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165508
Hedley Brooke, John (2003) Can scientific discovery be a religious experience? Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165492