The Use of Assessment Grids in Teaching Database Modelling with Mixed-Language Postgraduate Students

Whitehead, Nik (2012) The Use of Assessment Grids in Teaching Database Modelling with Mixed-Language Postgraduate Students. University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

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Objective-based assessment is often implemented though criterion-referenced marking. This involves having explicit definitions of what is required to pass an assessment or, in more sophisticated forms, to gain a specific grade in an assessment. One approach that has been widely used for this is based upon the assessment grid, although these have been used more in the social sciences rather than computer science. This approach can easily be used in problems such as database design where there is no single 'right' answer, and this paper discusses their use with a group of postgraduate students studying a conversion Masters in Computer Science. The students were given assessment grids during the four teaching sessions introducing material covered in an assignment plus one for the assignment itself. The assignment was then assessed according to the criteria provided on the assessment sheet given to the students. The students were then questioned about their use of the assessment grids as aids in their laboratory work and in completing the assignment. Tutors teaching other modules to the same group were also asked to predict how much the students would use this additional information, and consistently predicted a lower usage than the students reported. The paper also highlights some of the problems encountered when working with a mixed class of local and international students, their ability to use, and their responses to such a system.

Item Type: Other
Additional Information: Citation: Whitehead, N.J,, "The Use of Assessment Grids in Teaching Database Modelling with Mixed-Language Postgraduate Students", Poster, Proceedings, 1st Annual Conference on the Aiming for Excellence in STEM Learning and Teaching, 12-13 April 2012, London..
Uncontrolled Keywords: Assessment grids, Database modelling education
Divisions: Institutes and Academies > Wales Institute for Science & Art (WISA) > Academic Discipline: Applied Computing
Depositing User: John Dalling
Date Deposited: 02 May 2012 17:36
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2025 16:04

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