Continuums and Conjunctions: An assemblage of Eastern and Western architectural and philosophical perspectives

Lai, Xiaoling (2024) Continuums and Conjunctions: An assemblage of Eastern and Western architectural and philosophical perspectives. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Lai, Xiaoling Continuums and Conjunctions An assemblage of Eastern and Western architectural and philosophical perspectives.pdf - Accepted Version
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Continuums and Conjunctions examines spatial relationships in contemporary Chinese high- rise architectural design in the context of rapid urbanization. Traditional Chinese architecture was guided by the principles of Feng Shui, placing emphasis upon a harmonious interrelation of architectural and natural environments and social contexts. An increase in urban development and population has led to an increase in vertical spatial arrangements which commonly disregard the complexities of environmental and social rhythms. The research proposes a reimagining of contemporary urban architectural design that combines Chinese traditional spatial theory with Western continental philosophy. The aim of the research is to create architectural assemblages that operate in harmony with regional characteristics, climates, and lifestyles. The research explores the intersection and integration of Eastern and Western philosophical perspectives, specifically traditional Chinese Feng Shui theory and methods, and Gilles Deleuze's concepts of assemblage, rhizome, and becoming. Feng Shui principles were traditionally applied to horizontal spaces, and focused on specific relationships of intersection and connection, and the flows between spaces. This research explores the potential transformation of contemporary high-rise architecture through the application of spatial principles outlined in Feng Shui philosophy. This rhizomatic thinking establishes the potential for indistinguishable zones and transitional and intermediate spaces to be produced between the horizontal and vertical and the virtual and actual within the configuration of a high-rise building. The research presents an architectural design that performs the relationship between Yao and becoming in architectural space, emphasizing the importance of variation, adaptation, and the transformation of elements. The integration of Eastern and Western philosophical perspectives in this research demonstrates how architects can reorientate their approach to contemporary urban design and proposes inclusive and expansive methodologies to enhance their practice.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > B Philosophy (General)
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: Theses and Dissertations > Doctoral Theses
Depositing User: Xiaoling Lai
Date Deposited: 05 Jun 2024 14:17
Last Modified: 05 Jun 2024 14:17

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