Items where Division is "Institutes and Academies > Institute of Education and Humanities > Academic Discipline: Humanities and Social Sciences" and Year is 2021

Cobb, Matthew (2021) Conceptualising the Far West: Early Chinese Notions of Da Qin and the Indian Ocean Trade. In: The Archaeology of Knowledge Traditions of the Indian Ocean World. Routledge, London, pp. 56-78. ISBN 9780367337810
Cobb, Matthew (2021) Mediterranean goods in an Indian context: the use of transcultural theory for the study of the ancient Indian Ocean world. In: Globalization and Transculturality from Antiquity to the Pre-Modern World. Routledge, London, pp. 165-182. ISBN 9780367560553
Curry, Patrick (2021) The Experience of Enchantment and the Sense of Wonder. Green Letters, 25 (2). pp. 115-129. ISSN 2168-1414
Dossett, Wendy and Burns, Andrew and Schmidt, Bettina E. (2021) Peggy the Tutor, Mentor, Colleague and Friend. Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, 7 (3). pp. 4-9. ISSN 2057-2301
Ereira, Alan and Attala, Luci (2021) Zhigoneshi: A Culture of Connection. Ecocene:Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities, 2 (1). pp. 7-22.
Erickson, Kyle (2021) Finance and Coinage. In: The Cambridge Companion to Alexander the Great. Cambridge University Press, Lampeter. ISBN 9781108888349 (Submitted)
Freitas, Marta Helena de and Schmidt, Bettina E. (2021) Da vida marinha ao sentimento oceânico: Alister Hardy e o estudo da experiência religiosa / From marine life to ocean feeling: Alister Hardy and the study of religious experience. Memorandum: memória e história em psicologia, 38. ISSN 1676-1669
Moreira-Almeida, Alexander and de Freitas, Marta Helena and Schmidt, Bettina E. (2021) Alister Hardy: a naturalist of the spiritual realm. Religions, 12 (713). ISSN 2077-1444
Morgan-Guy, John (2021) History, society and the individual: essays. Special issue of The journal of religious history, literature and culture 2021 . University of Wales Press, Cardiff. ISBN 9781786838094
Morgan-Guy, John (2021) Thomas R.G. Lyell (1886-1956). The lure of far-away places. In: An Anglo-Catholic miscellany. Series of occasional papers (Anglo-Catholic History Society) (20). Anglo-Catholic History Society, London, pp. 96-143. ISBN 9781916327610
Morgan-Guy, John (2021) 'The reverence due to the house of God', the struggle to maintain the fabric and life of Llandaff Cathedral, from 1560 to 1760. Part 1: from Elizabeth I to Anne. Morgannwg, 65. pp. 5-28. ISSN 0545-0373
Parkes, Ruth (2021) Finding the Tragic in the Epics of Statius. In: Elements of tragedy in Flavian epic. De Gruyter.
Parkes, Ruth (2021) Sicily, the classical tradition and interpretative possibilities in John Barclay's Argenis. International Journal of the Classical Tradition. ISSN 1874-6292
Parkes, Ruth (2021) The Uncertainties of Claudian's 'De Raptu Proserpinae'. American Journal of Philology, 142 (2). pp. 319-341. ISSN 1086-3168
Schmidt, Bettina E. (2021) Mediumship as Ordinary Experience: An anthropological discussion of ordinary vs non-ordinary – What is the difference? Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, 7 (3). pp. 137-154. ISSN 2057-2301
Scott, Alexander (2021) ‘A Permanent Civilising Effect’? The Impact of Reforming Working-Class Museum Visitors in Liverpool during the 19th Century Museums and the Working Class (Routledge). In: Museums and the Working Class. Routledge, Liverpool. ISBN 9780367465476 (Submitted)