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Al-Saud, Lama Mansour Bandar Abdulaziz (2023) Max Weber’s theory of rationality and the messaging of Soviet and American cold war space programs. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Amamnsunu, Johnson Elijah (2024) Healing and Reconciliation: Applying Trauma Theory, Social Identity Theory, and Dialogical Approaches to Interfaith Dialogue among Nigerian Christians and Muslims in Nigeria and the UK. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Andrew, John (2018) An Evaluation of the work of the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society, 1841-2011. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Argyle, Michael (1997) The psychological perspective on religious experience. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165713


Backer, Luc de (2016) Conversion and Ritualisation: an analysis of how westerners enter the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and assimilate its values and practices. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Badham, Paul (1997) Religious and near-death experience in relation to belief in a future life. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165218

Barker, Katherine Helen (2014) The perception of women in late antiquity and the impact it had on female asceticism. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Bennett, Myra (2003) Seventy-four Christian experiences: a comparative study of experiences from four different traditions. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165485

Boulter, Hugh (1998) Religious experience in the inter-faith context. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165249

Bowie, Fiona (2014) The Alister Hardy Lampeter Lecture: How to Study Religious Experience? Methodological reflection on the study of afterlife and other examples of religious experience. In: Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre Conference, 4th July 2014, Lampeter.

Bowie, Fiona (2005) Belief or experience? The anthropologist's dilemma. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165447

Boyce-Tillman, June (2015) The Alister Hardy Lampeter Lecture: Crystallizing the Angels – A methodological proposal for the study of angels. In: Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre Conference 2015, 3rd July 2015, Lampeter.

Braia, Cara Louise (2023) What are the cosmological beliefs of successful entrepreneurs, and how do external influences inform their mindset? Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Braybrooke, Marcus (1999) Spiritual experience that crosses religious divisions. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165317

Brealey, Frances (2014) Perceptions of divinity : the changing characters of Roman Venus. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Burton, Janet and Marx, William (2022) The labour of a lame monk. The Lampeter Bible (MS 1). In: Treasures: the Special Collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. University of Wales Press, Cardiff, pp. 40-43. ISBN 9781786839015

Burton, Janet and Marx, William (2022) A vast compendium. Jacobus a Voragine. The Golden Legend (Legenda aurea) (London: Printed by Wynkyn de Worde) (Lampeter INC 46). In: Treasures: the Special Collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. University of Wales Press, Cardiff, pp. 52-55. ISBN 9781786839015


Cezar, Richard Albert Gerard (2019) Musical and Religious Experiences: Their Relationship and Influences on Humanity. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Connolly, Peter (1998) A psychology of possession. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165331

Cutrer, Meredith D. (2013) Pilgrims and strangers : the theological motivation of Irish Peregrinatio. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Danyluk, Katharine (2018) Imitations of Christ: Ignatius of Loyola, Philip Neri and the influence of the Devotio Moderna. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Davies, Julie Adele (2018) The Mormon mission to Wales 1840-49 : a reassessment. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Davies, Oliver (1996) Spirituality and culture: the case of Celtic Christianity. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165133

Davies, Richard (2021) Crisis, Challenge, and Consolidation: A Study of the Anglican Church in a Rural Welsh Parish 1700-1900. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Davis, Don (2022) The Mission Statement of Jesus: Mark 1:15, Mark's Apocalyptically Charged Decision Motif. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Donovan, Peter (1997) Spirits and spirituality. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165171

Dossett, Wendy (2017) The Alister Hardy Lampeter Lecture: Spiritus contra spiritum Spirituality and recovery from alcohol use disorder. In: Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre Conference 2017, 16th July 2017, Lampeter.

Dossett, Wendy and Burns, Andrew and Schmidt, Bettina E. (2021) Peggy the Tutor, Mentor, Colleague and Friend. Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, 7 (3). pp. 4-9. ISSN 2057-2301

Dransart, Penelope (2019) At the mountains' altar: Anthropology of Religion in an Andean Community. By Frank Salomon. Mountain Research and Development, 39 (1). ISSN 1994-7151

Dransart, Penelope (2016) Bishops' palaces in the medieval Dioceses of Aberdeen and Moray. In: Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology in the Dioceses of Aberdeen and Moray. Conference Transactions (XL). Routledge, London and New York, pp. 58-81. ISBN 978-1-138-64068-9


Evans, Andrew (2018) A place to belong? The changing place of Church in rural life. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Evans, Andrew D (2021) Radical Quakerism: a political anthropology of postmodern religion. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Eyre, Anne (1997) Football and religious experience: sociological reflections. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165195


Fox, Mark (2003) Sharing the light: an analysis of RERC archival accounts describing shared experiences of unusual light. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165508

Franklin, John (2020) Exploration into the Spirit: A Power Greater than …; The history of the first 50 years of the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centres and Trust: origins, development and vision. Alister Hardy Trust, Lampeter. ISBN 9780906165775

Freitas, Marta Helena de and Schmidt, Bettina E. (2021) Da vida marinha ao sentimento oceânico: Alister Hardy e o estudo da experiência religiosa / From marine life to ocean feeling: Alister Hardy and the study of religious experience. Memorandum: memória e história em psicologia, 38. ISSN 1676-1669


Gafour, Ayyoub-Awaga Bushara (1999) Eternity now : religion among the Amaa. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Ginty, Jacqueline (2023) How Jung’s Theories of The Self May Be Classified as Gnostic and are Grounded in Gnostic Cosmology. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Gray, Madeleine and Morgan-Guy, John (2005) ‘A better and frugal life’: Llanllugan and the Cistercian women’s houses in Wales. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 154. pp. 97-114. ISSN 0306-6924

Greig, Alison Joanne. (2012) Heaven in the early history of western religions. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Grumett, David (2006) Christ in the world of matter: Teilhard De Chardin's religious experience and vision. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165621

Gunzburg, Darrelyn (2019) The Horoscopic Place:The Encounter between Astrologer and Client. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 13 (1). pp. 44-60. ISSN 1749-4907


Hamilton, Sue (2000) The centrality of experience in the teachings of early Buddhism. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165348

Hampson, Peter John (2012) Modes and manners of religious and theological knowing. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Hardy, Alister (1997) The significance of religious experience. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165201

Hardy, Ann (2002) Film, spirituality and heirophany: the contemporary search for meaning. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165423

Harvey, Graham (2000) Religious experience in contemporary society. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165225

Hay, David (1998) Alister Hardy: biologist of the spirit. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 978-0-906165-28-7

Humphreys, Rebekah (2010) Creation, Environment and Ethics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN ISBN(10): 1-4438-2508-5, ISBN(13); 978-1-4438-2508-5

Humphreys, Rebekah (2007) Review of: Encountering the Dharma: Daisaku Ikeda, Soka Gakkai, and the Globalization of Buddhist Humanism, by Richard Hughes Seager (University of California Press, 2006). In Metapsychology, Vol. 11, No.28, July 10 2007. Metapsychology Online.

Hunt, Laura J. (2023) Samaritan Israelites and Jews under the Shadow of Rome: Reading John 4:4–45 in Ephesus. Religions, 14 (9). p. 1149. ISSN 2077-1444


Jaiyesimi, Wemimo Bright (2024) The Dignity of Difference: Christian Particularity and the Possibility of Interreligious Dialogue. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Jansen, Thomas (2016) “Embodied spirituality and self-divinization: A re-reading of the Legend of Princess Miaoshan”. In: Exploring the materiality of food"stuffs": transformations, symbolic consumption and embodiments. Routledge Studies in Archaeology . Routledge, New York ; London. (In Press)

Jansen, Thomas (2023) Negotiating between Chinese Religious Beliefs and Christian Faith: Timothy Richard’s (1845–1919) Understanding of “Faith”/xin 信 and Approach to Comparative Religion. In: From Trustworthiness to Secular Beliefs: Changing Concepts of xin 信 from Traditional to Modern Chinese. Brill, Leiden, pp. 309-339. ISBN 9789004532991

Jenq, Jacob Moh Yii (2014) Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion on the (im)possibility of negative theology. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Jones, David Brian (2013) The influence of religion on the survival of the Welsh language 1801-2011 : a tale of two centuries. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


King, Ursula (2009) Ecological and mystical spirituality from an interfaith perspective. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165690

Kirby, David A. and El-Kaffass, Iman and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2022) A new harmonised approach to sustainability: implications for entrepreneurial leadership in the Middle East and globally (submitted version). Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review,, 1 (2). pp. 127-138. ISSN 2752-9819

Krajewski, Elizabeth M. G. (2015) Archetypal narratives : toward a theological appreciation of early Celtic hagiography. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Letzerich, Erica (2024) Categories of Mystical Experience in The Voice of the Silence by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Lotay, Kiran (2012) Contra Imperium : Biblical foundations of an anti-imperial theology. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


MacInnes, Elaine (1998) Spirituality imprisoned. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165256

Main, Roderick (2001) Putting the sinn back into synchronicity: some spiritual implications of synchronistic experiences. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165393

Martínez, Víctor García (2024) The Cult of the Muses in Thespiai. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

McQuillan, Paul (2002) Encounters beyond the pond: the limit experience of senior high school students. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165454

Moiba, Joseph Gaima Lukulay (2016) Religion and peacemaking in Sierra Leone. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Moreira-Almeida, Alexander and de Freitas, Marta Helena and Schmidt, Bettina E. (2021) Alister Hardy: a naturalist of the spiritual realm. Religions, 12 (713). ISSN 2077-1444

Morgan-Guy, John (2015) The Diocese of St Davids in the Reformation era I: from rebellion to reaction, 1485-1553. In: Religion and society in the Diocese of St David's, 1485-2011. Routledge, Farnham, pp. 13-36. ISBN 9781409447726

Morgan-Guy, John (2020) Lemuel J. Hopkin James (1874-1937) "a gruff, but kindly, little Welshman. In: Twenty priests for twenty years. Series of occasional papers (Anglo-Catholic History Society) (19). Anglo-Catholic History Society, London, pp. 87-97. ISBN 9781916327603

Morgan-Guy, John (2022) Treasures: The special collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. [Portfolio]

Morgan-Guy, John (2020) William J.C. Lindsay (1832-1912). Aristocratic Welsh priest. In: Twenty priests for twenty years: a commemorative volume to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Anglo-Catholic History Society. Series of occasional papers (Anglo-Catholic History Society) (19). Anglo-Catholic History Society, London, pp. 169-179. ISBN 9781916327603

Morgan-Guy, John (2018) The rich man in his castle: the life, family and ministry of the Reverend Wentworth Watson (1848-1925). Series of lectures / Anglo-Catholic History Society, 60 . Anglo-Catholic History Society, London.

Morgan-Guy, John (2019) The visit of the eastern metropolitans and patriarchs to St Davids Cathedral in 1925. In: From the East to the isles : approaches to the Eastern connections of the early Churches of Britain and Ireland ; in memory of Donald Allchi. Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, Oxford, pp. 112-129. ISBN 9780903190329

Morris, Barry Kent (2017) Canadian urban ministry : the nature and challenges of success. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Musa, Shahajada Md (2022) The Emergence of a Scholar from a Garrison Society: A contextual analysis of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb's doctrine in the light of the Qur’ān and Hadīth. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Nesbitt, Eleanor (2000) Children's experience of religion: issues arising from ethnographic study of 8 - 13 year olds' perspectives. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165355

Nicholls, Timothy (2020) The Convergence of Discourse Analysis and Rhetorical Criticism in Luke 3-5. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Ota, Cathy and Erricker, Jane and Erricker, Clive (1999) Children, adults and spirituality: what's the connection? Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165300


Parratt, Saroj N. Arambam and Parratt, John (2002) Female spirit-possession rituals among the Meiteis of Manipur. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165430

Pearce, C.P. (2017) Monasticism without frontiers : the extended monastic community of the Abbot of Cluny in England and Wales. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Pearse, Amy (2017) Negotiating Religious and Cultural Diversity in Tang China: An Analysis of the Cha jiu lun 茶酒論. The Student Researcher, 4 (1). pp. 45-55. ISSN 2047-3427

Phillipson, Garry (2019) Astrology as heresy in contemporary belief. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 13 (1). ISSN 1749-4907

Pupynin, Olga and Brodbeck, Simon (2001) Religious experience in London. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165386

Purday, Kevin Michael (2013) Shamanic gender liminality with specific reference to the NatKadaw of Myanmar and the Bissu of Sulawesi. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Purohit, Sheena (2019) Love in Separation: An exploration of longing in devotion (Viraha-Bhakti) in the Hindu and Christian faiths. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Rack, Henry D. (1997) Early methodist experience: some prototypical accounts. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165126

Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi (2000) Religious experience in the Hindu traditions. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165379

Rankin, Marianne (2005) An introduction to religious experience. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165560

Rathouse, William (2013) Contested heritage: examining relations between contemporary Pagan groups and the archaeological and heritage professions in Britain. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Reeves, Mark (2023) The Religious Reforms of Augustus: Innovation & Opportunism. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Robins, Mark (2022) To what extent do ‘processes of the mind’, consistent with evolutionary psychology, account for religious experiences involving the Trinity? Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Robinson, Edward (1997) Religious experience: beginning the research. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165188

Rodriguez-Morales, Lymarie (2020) ‘That’s the Spiritual Side of Me’: Men’s Autobiographical Accounts of Recovery in Twelve Step Fellowships. Implicit Religion, 22 (2). ISSN 1463-9955

Rodriguez-Morales, Lymarie (2019) To thine own self be true: Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery and care of the self. In: Spirituality and Wellbeing Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Religious Experience and Health. Equinox Publishing Ltd, UK. ISBN 9781781797648 (In Press)

Rodwell, John (1999) The experience of passion in creation. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165294

Ross, John Stuart (2004) Time for favour: Scottish missions to the Jews, 1838-1852. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Rubin, David (2019) Astrology in the Torah: a comparative study of astrological themes in the Hebrew Bible and Babylonian Talmund. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Rush, Michael (2009) On the side of the angels? Neuroscience and religious experience. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165706


Sacco, Robert (2017) The Fibonacci Life Chart Method as a Predictor of Spiritual Experience. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 7 (2). ISSN 1927-0534

Sacco, Robert (2024) Spiritual experiences across the lifespan: empirical support for the Fibonacci Life Chart Method and the entropic brain hypothesis. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 26 (10).

Schmidt, Bettina (2024) Afro-Amerikanische Religionen. In: Religion und Geschlecht. Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, pp. 279-284. ISBN 9783110697407

Schmidt, Bettina (2024) The “Religio-therapeutic Dimension” of Espiritismo in Brazil and Its Place within the Study of Religions. In: Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in Religious Studies. Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society (31). Brill Schöningh, Paderborn, pp. 245-262. ISBN 9783506 9660 8

Schmidt, Bettina (2024) Yoruba-Religion. In: Religion und Geschlecht. Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, pp. 275-278. ISBN 9783110697407

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2024) Axé as the cornerstone of Candomblé philosophy and its significance for an understanding of well-being (bem estar). Religious Studies. ISSN 0034-4125

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2016) Contemporary Religions in Brazil. Oxford Handbooks Online.

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2022) The Entanglement of Spirituality, Wellbeing and ‘Spiritual Economy’ in Brazil: The Shift from ‘Living well together’ to ‘Leading a good life’. In: New Spiritualities and the Cultures of Well-Being in Neoliberal Societies. Springer, Cham, switzerland. (Unpublished)

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2016) Körperwissen im Candomblé: Ein Einblick in die Geisterbesessenheit Brasiliens. Paragrana: International Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie, 25 (1). pp. 299-312. ISSN 0938-0116

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2023) Living with Spirits: Spirituality and Health in São Paulo, Brazil. In: Other Worlds, Other Bodies: Embodied Epistemologies and Ethnographies of Healing. Berghahn, Oxford. ISBN 9781800738461

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2021) Mediumship as Ordinary Experience: An anthropological discussion of ordinary vs non-ordinary – What is the difference? Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, 7 (3). pp. 137-154. ISSN 2057-2301

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2015) Spirit Mediumship in Brazil: The Controversy about Semi-Conscious Mediums. DISKUS: The Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions, 17 (2). pp. 38-53. ISSN 0967-8948

Schmidt, Bettina E. (2014) Spirit Possession in Brazil: The Perception of the (possessed) Body. Anthropos, 109 (1). pp. 135-147. ISSN 0257-9774

Schmidt, Bettina E. and Corrywright, Dominic (2018) Ursula King: A Passionate Life Member of the Study of Religions. Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions, 19. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2516-6379

Schmidt, Bettina E. and Cox, James and Sutcliffe, Steven J. and Owen, Suzanne and Tafjord, Bjørn Ola (2023) Book Forum: A Discussion of James L. Cox’s A Phenomenology of Indigenous Religions. Indigenous Religious Traditions, 1 (1). pp. 90-127. ISSN 2754-6748

Schmidt, Bettina E. and Hödl, Hans Gerald (2023) From Syncretism to Hybridity: Transformations in African-derived American Religions: An Introduction. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 9. pp. 301-309. ISSN 2364-2807

Schmidt, Bettina E. and Stockly, Kate (2023) The Fruits of Spiritual Experiences during the Pandemic: COVID-19 and the Effects of Non-ordinary Experiences. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 10. pp. 223-251. ISSN 2364-2807

Schmidt, Bettina E. and Stockly, Kate (2022) The Silence Around Non-Ordinary Experiences During the Pandemic. Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, 13 (1). ISSN 1946-0538

Schmidt, Bettina and Stockly, Kate (2024) Experiences of Divine Bliss, Anger and Evil during the Pandemic: Non-ordinary Experiences during Lockdown. Sociedade e Estado, 39 (3). ISSN 0102-6992

Shaw, Jane (2021) The Alister Hardy Lampeter Lecture: Religious Experience and the early twentieth-century Revival of Mysticism. In: Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre Conference 2021, 10th July 2021, Lampeter.

Sjørup, Lene (2001) Mysticism and gender. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165416

Steenhuisen-Siemonsma, Maria Johanna (2022) Orbs in the skyscape: An exploration of spiritual experiences with anomalous light phenomena. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Stevens, Hayley (2021) Using autoethnographic methodology to explore the healing potential of non-ordinary experiences as it relates to developmental and intergenerational trauma. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Taylor-Rugman, D.C.H. (2012) Dharmamegha Samadhi in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Thompson, Colin (1998) Poetry and spirituality. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165263

Tobert, Natalie (2007) In-sanity explanatory models for religious experience. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165669

Turner, Jack (2010) Cum illi Graeci sint, nos Latini : Western Rite Orthodoxy and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Waller, Joanna Christian (2015) A critical survey of the history and development of the present ban on the ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Ward, Keith (2005) Is there a common core of religious experience? UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165591

Warrier, Maya (2004) Devotion to a Goddess in contemporary India. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165539

Watkins, Paul Anthony (2015) The Problem of Pendar : a lost abbey in medieval Senghenydd and the transformation of the church in South Wales. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Webster, Harriett (2022) Monk's blood or red wine? Peter of Capua and Distinctiones theologicae. Defectus to Surditas (Lampeter MS 2). In: Treasures: the Special Collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. University of Wales Press, Cardiff, pp. 36-39. ISBN 9781786839015

Welburn, Andrew (2006) Transformations of religious experience: the approach of Rudolf Steiner. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165638

Whaling, Frank (1996) Christianity and new age thought. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165751

Wildman, Wesley J. (2024) The Alister Hardy Lampeter Lecture: The Dimensions of Spirituality Inventory. In: Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre Conference, 14th June 2024, Online.

Williams, David (2012) Shirdi Sai Baba Online : devotion in cyberspace. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Williams, Rowan (2022) The Alister Hardy Lampeter Lecture: The soul and the Trinity in Julian of Norwich. In: Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre Conference 2022, 9th July 2022, Lampeter.

Wilson, Bryan (1996) Religious experience: a sociological perspective. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165096

Wong, Chi Hong (2024) Rewriting Torah in the Fourth Gospel: with particular reference to scriptural interpretation in the Prologue. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Woods, Richard (1997) Medieval and modern women mystics: the evidential character of religious experience. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165157

Wootton, Philip (2013) Plague, print and providence in early seventeenth century London. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Yao, Xinzhong (2005) 'Self-power' and 'other power' in Chinese spirituality. Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre. ISBN 9780906165584


Zinn, Katharina (2012) Cults: divine,Pharaonic Egypt. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, First Edition. Blackwell Publishing, pp. 1861-1866. ISBN 978-1-4051-7935-5

Zinn, Katharina (2012) Education, Pharaonic Egypt. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, First Edition. Blackwell Publishing, pp. 2318-2323. ISBN 978-1-4051-7935-5

Zinn, Katharina (2012) Khepry. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, First Edition. Blackwell Publishing, p. 3745. ISBN 978-1-4051-7935-5

Zinn, Katharina (2016) Lacklustre offering plates? Symbolic food consumption, ritual and representations in ancient Egyptian funerary culture. In: Exploring the materiality of food 'stuffs': transformations, symbolic consumptions and embodiments. Routledge Series in Archaeology . Routledge, New York, pp. 205-225. ISBN 978-1-138-94119-9

Zinn, Katharina (2012) Magic, Pharaonic Egypt. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, First Edition. Blackwell Publishing, pp. 4227-4231. ISBN 978-1-4051-7935-5

Zinn, Katharina (2015) Nofretete – eine Königin ihrer Zeit? In: Ägyptische Königinnen vom Neuen Reich bis in die islamische Zeit: Beiträge zur Konferenz in der Kulturabteilung der Botschaft der Arabischen Republik Ägypten in Berlin am 19.01.2013. Brose, Vaterstetten, pp. 25-66. ISBN 978-3-944207-08-7

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