Items where Subject is "D History General and Old World > DC France"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1670)
- D History General and Old World (307)
- DC France (4)
- D History General and Old World (307)
Jenkins Carter, Sharon (2024) Identity, culture and belonging in the iron mining landscape of the Canigou Mountain, France. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Knight, Tony (2011) "No to the bear" : contested power and truths behind the reintroduction of brown bears in the Pyrenees. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Loffler, Marion (2018) Translating, Rewriting and Omitting: Subversive Welsh Translators in Great Britain in the 1790. In: Translation, hegemony and domination in a globalized world. Multilingual Matters. (In Press)
Loffler, Marion (2016) Yn sgil Chwyldro Ffrengig 1789: Cyfieithu radicalaidd i’r Cymry. Llen Cymru, 39. ISSN 0076 0188