The case for the primacy of visualcy within a neoliberal art school curriculum

Riley, Howard (2020) The case for the primacy of visualcy within a neoliberal art school curriculum. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. ISSN 1474-0222

Riley, Howard (2020) The case for the primary.pdf - Accepted Version
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Whilst the faculties of literacy and numeracy are rightly recognised as worthy of pedagogical nurturing, this article champions a more venerable articulacy – visualcy – crucial to a healthy culture, arguing that the one domain of human inquiry which distinguishes the visual arts from other disciplines is surely that surrounding the faculty of vision. The ascendency within the contemporary artworld of a relational aesthetics is traced through a brief history of the relationships between visual artforms and their socio-political contexts. It is suggested that the shift of emphasis away from the perceptually intriguing is in part a consequence – perhaps unintended - of the neoliberal values permeating the UK Higher Education sector in the last decade. The article ends with a proposal for a visual arts pedagogy based on five key principles of visualcy explored through the medium of drawing, illustrated with work by the author and students.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Drawing as language, Visualcy, Haptic values, Distal values, Proximal values, Neoliberalism, Revocational art, Convocational art; Perceptual intrigue; Conceptual intrigue.
Subjects: N Fine Arts > N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
Divisions: Institutes and Academies > Wales Institute for Science & Art (WISA) > Academic Discipline: Art & Media
Depositing User: Howard Riley
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2020 11:02
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2025 16:05

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