Teach First Cymru: Whose Mission? Teach First and the Welsh Government ‘National Mission’ for Education

Southern, Alex (2020) Teach First Cymru: Whose Mission? Teach First and the Welsh Government ‘National Mission’ for Education. In: Examining Teach For All: international perspectives on a growing global network. Oxford studies in comparative education . Routledge. ISBN 9780367336486

Southern A TF Cymru, Aug 2020.pdf - Accepted Version

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This chapter offers a comparative analysis of definitions of ‘professionalism’, as articulated by Teach First Cymru and Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP) beginner teachers, studying at the same university in Wales. Based on findings from empirical research, discussion focuses on how these two groups of student teachers articulate the concept of teacher ‘professionalism’, and how this relates to the new professional standards and policy in Wales. During focus group discussions and interview, the two groups of participants expressed differing articulations of ‘professionalism’. The responses underline the difference between the self-reliance, and corporate identity, of the Teach First beginner teachers, and the more collaborative, learner-centred approach of the GTP group. While not by itself conclusive, this points to variations in how student teachers perceive the teaching habitus that highlight a fracture in how current ITE programmes prepare students for the profession. The chapter concludes with discussion of how the Teach First ‘values’ are placed within the current policy framework of the Welsh Government’s ‘National Mission’ for Education (Welsh Government, 2017a), and considers whether a more cohesive approach to ITE would be more appropriate in the Welsh context.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: Student teachers, professionalism
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Institutes and Academies > Institute of Education and Humanities > Academic Discipline: Teacher Education
Depositing User: Users 132 not found.
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2020 08:58
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2025 16:05
URI: https://repository.uwtsd.ac.uk/id/eprint/1441

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