Items where Subject is "L Education > L Education (General)"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1669)
- L Education (277)
- L Education (General) (155)
- L Education (277)
Adams, Catherine and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Johnson, Mike (2022) Phenomenology of Practice Workshop. In: Thirteenth Conference on Network Learning, 16-18th May 2022, Sundsvall, Sweden.
Ally, Muhammad Mashuq (1994) The impact of Islamic revivalists on muslim religious education in Britain. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Barnes, Janine and Kennewell, Steve (2016) Investigating teacher perceptions of teaching ICT in Wales. Education and Information Technologies, 22 (5). pp. 2485-2497. ISSN 1360-2357
Barnes, Janine and Waters, Jane (2018) Reform of Initial Teacher Education in Wales: taking an analytical approach to the issues using activity theory. In: Teacher education policy and practice: international perspectives and inspirations. Key concepts (1). Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Warsaw, pp. 148-166. ISBN 978-9949-29-023-9
Blain, Dylan and Standage, Martyn and Curran, Thomas (2022) Physical education in a post-COVID world: A blended-gamified approach. European Physical Education Review, 28 (3). pp. 757-776. ISSN 1741-2749
Bleasdale, Catharine (2023) An exploration into the development of professional teacher identity of student teachers in Wales. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Chapman, Susan and Ellis, Rosy and Beauchamp, Gary and Sheriff, Lisa and Stacey, David and Waters-Davies, Jane and Lewis, Adam and Jones, Catherine and Griffiths, Merris and Chapman, Sammy and Wallis, Rachel and Sheen, Elizabeth and Crick, Thomas and Lewis, Helen and French, Graham and Atherton, Stephen (2023) My picture is not in Wales”: Pupils’ Perceptions of Cynefin (Belonging) in Primary School Curriculum Development in Wales. Education 3-12: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. (In Press)
Curtis, Vic and Moon, Rob and Penaluna, Andrew (2020) Active entrepreneurship education and the impact on approaches to learning: Mixed methods evidence from a six-year study into one entrepreneurship educator’s classroom. Industry and Higher Education, 35 (4). pp. 443-453. ISSN 2043-6858
Davidson, Jane (2021) Factoring Future Generations Into Universities' Strategic Intent: Could a Law Help? Frontiers in Sustainability. ISSN 2673-4524
Davies, Christine (2020) Are VLEs still worthwhile? Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (18). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1759-667X
Davies, Christine (2020) Canllaw Cyflym i Ymchwil Meintiol yn y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol. Other. University of Wales Trinity Saint David. (Unpublished)
Davies, Christine (2021) Online seminars in statistics for doctoral students: A case study. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 18 (2).
Davies, Christine (2020) A Quick Guide to Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences. Other. University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Carmarthen. (Unpublished)
Davies, Christine (2022) A Quick Guide to Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences. Documentation. University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Davies, Christine and Brychan, Anna and Fillery-Travis, Annette and Palmer, Stephen and Crossman, Julie (2020) Hyfforddi i Athrawon. Other. University of Wales Trinity Saint David. (Unpublished)
Davies, Christine and Fillery-Travis, Annette (2020) Quantitative and statistical approaches. In: Doing coaching research. SAGE, Oxford, pp. 112-127. ISBN 9781526459466
Davies, Christopher (2024) The Learning Ultimatum: Why facilitated learning is vital for nurturing authentic-agape, uplifting, indelible, future intelligent leaders who collaborate meaningfully and innovate purposefully. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Davies, Llinos Mai (2010) Ffactorau sydd yn dylanwadu ar rieni wrth iddynt ddewis cyfrwng addysg gynradd i'w plant mewn ardal benodol yn Sir Gaerfyrddin. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Davies, Olivia (2024) Large-Scale Block-Play and the Five Development Pathways. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Davies, Sue (2008) WERN report to the ESRC training and development board. Report on pilot funding. Proposal for extension funding. Technical Report. Welsh Education Research Network.
Davies, Sue (2009) Wales country report. SFRE forum II. In: Annual Conference of the British Education Research Association, 15-17 Sept., University of Glamorgan.
Davies, Sue and Daugherty, R. (2008) Capacity and quality in education research in Wales. A stimulus report for the SFRE forum 1. Technical Report. A stimulus report for the SFRE forum 1.
Davies, Susan M. B. (2008) Collaboration builds capacity in Wales. Research Intelligence, 105. pp. 16-17.
Davies, Susan M. B. and Howes, Andrew (2006) Designing for complex change? Critically evaluating an application of design study in relation to teachers developing more inclusive practices. Paper presented in the Annual Conference of the British Education Research Association. In: Annual Conference of the British Education Research Association.
Davies, Susan M. B. and Howes, Andrew (2006) "I havn't got time to think!" : contradictions as drivers for change in an analysis of joint working between teachers and school psychologists. Paper presented at the 28th International School Psychology Colloquium, Handzhou, China, 15-20 July, 2006. In: 28th International School Psychology Colloquium, 15-20 July, 2006, Handzhou, China. (Unpublished)
Davies, Susan M. B. and Salisbury, Jane (2008) Researching and learning together : inter-institutional collaboration as a strategy for capacity building. Keynote symposium paper. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.
Davies, Susan M. B. and Salisbury, Jane (2009) Researching and learning together : inter-institutional collaboration as a strategy for capacity building. Reflections based on the evaluations of the Welsh Education Research Network. BERA symposium paper. In: AERA Symposium, 15th April 2009.
Dicks, Kenneth William (2022) The benefits of peer-led interventions in Higher Education: lessons from practice. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Dohn, Nina Bonderup and Adams, Catherine and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Johnson, Michael Rhys (2024) Introducing Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning Experiences. In: 14th Networked Learning Conference 2024, 15-17 May 2024, Malta.
Dong, Xiangyu and Walcott, Terry H. and Li, Yijing and Pan, Mingge and Gao, Ya and Dong, Andi (2024) A New Approach to XR Education: Student-Centred Learning and Gamification in Electric Power Training. In: International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems, January 28-29 2024, Applied Science University in Bahrain.
Evans, Clare (2022) Developing Effective Structures for Autistic Learners: Transitions between Education Settings. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Evans, Gareth (2021) Back to the future? Reflections on three phases of education policy reform in Wales and their implications for teachers. Journal of Educational Change, 23 (3). pp. 371-396. ISSN 1573-1812
Evans, Gareth (2023) Understanding the impact of school inspection: An analysis of how school leaders in Wales interpret and respond to inspection outcomes. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ezeunala, Chinwe B. (2022) Management of Universal Basic Education (UBE): policy implementation in the public primary school. A case study of Olua Primary School Benin City Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Flynn, Katherine M and Ciolacu, Luminita and Fillery-Travis, Annette and Mayor, Luis (2022) Teaching Open Science. What do FNS-Cloud Food Researchers Want to Know? In: 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’22), 2022, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia.
Gealy, Ann-Marie and Tinney, Glenda and MacDonald, Natalie and Waters, Jane (2020) A socio-constructivist approach to developing a professional learning intervention for early childhood education and care practitioners in Wales. Professional Development in Education. pp. 298-314. ISSN 1941-5265
Govier, Eloise (2018) The Coal Beds of Generations X, Y, and Z: Syncing, Learning, and Propagating in the Age of the Posthuman. Journal of Posthuman Studies, 2 (2). pp. 147-165. ISSN 2472-4513
Greenway, Charlotte (2024) Adolygiad integredig o’r dull ysgol gyfan o gefnogi iechyd a lles emosiynol a meddyliol dysgwyr yng Nghymru. Gwerddon (38). pp. 77-102. ISSN 1741-4261
Greenway, Charlotte and Rees Edwards, Alison (2021) Agweddau Athrawon tuag at ADCG: Adolygiad ac Argymhellion ar gyfer y Dyfodol. Gwerddon, 32. pp. 7-25. ISSN 1741-4261
Grigg, Russell (2010) Becoming an Outstanding Primary Teacher. Routledge. ISBN 9780367686437
Grigg, Russell (2016) Big Ideas In Education: What Every Teacher Should Know. Crown House Publishing.
Grigg, Russell (2016) 'Leave me alone and let me teach.' Teachers’ views of Welsh Government education policies and education in Wales. Wales Journal of Education, 18 (1). ISSN 2059-3708
Grigg, Russell and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Israel, Hazel and McCallum, Elin and Oksanen, Lea (2024) Chapter 6: Reflecting on the potential of EntreCompEdu to stimulate teachers’ entrepreneurial thinking and activity. In: Stimulating Entrepreneurial Activity in a European Context. Business 2024 . Elgar, pp. 112-134. ISBN 9781802200676 (Submitted)
Grigg, Russell and Lewis, Helen (2016) A-Z of Learning Outside the Classroom. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Grigg, Russell and Lewis, Helen (2018) Moving the andragogy of teacher educators forward: the potential and challenges of Problem-based Learning in Teacher Education. Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 5 (2). ISSN 2288-8675
Healey-Benson, Felicity (2021) EntreCompEdu Café - Vlogging as summative assessment with Felicity Healey-Benson. [Video]
Healey-Benson, Felicity (2023) Entrepreneurship Meets Sustainability: The Dafen School Transformation. In: Being Entrepreneurial 2023: Skills for Change, 6-7 November 2023, Natural Sciences Museum, Brussels. (Unpublished)
Healey-Benson, Felicity (2019) Influence of Online Discussion (OD) design for Critical Thinking Skill (CTS) development. In: The Wales Nexus Conference 2019, 10-11th July 2019, Swansea. (Unpublished)
Healey-Benson, Felicity (2020) Reflections and Mapping Outputs from Navigating the Phenomenological and Phenomenographic Terrain as a Doctoral Student in a Networked Learning Context;. In: Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning, 18th-20th May 2020, Originally Denmark, pivot online.
Healey-Benson, Felicity (2019) To VLOG or Not to VLOG? Assessing Skills for Industry 4.0. In: 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, 3-7th November 2019, Dublin.
Healey-Benson, Felicity (2023) A hermeneutic phenomenological investigation of the lived experiences of educators facilitating higher-order thinking skills in Higher Education. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Kirby, David A. (2024) BBaChau Cymru’n Mynd i’r afael â Nod Datblygu Cynaliadwy 16. Project Report. ISSUU.
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Kirby, David A. (2024) Welsh Harmonious SMEs addressing SDG 16. Project Report. ISSUU.
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Kirby, David A. (2024) Welsh Harmonious SMEs: a Blueprint for Addressing Inequality through Entrepreneurship. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 46th Annual Conference, 6-7 November 2024, Cutler's Hall, Sheffield..
Hosking, Charlotte (2022) Exploring changes in pupil motivation and attitudes towards mathematics as pupils move up through one secondary school. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Humphreys, Rebekah and Attfield, Robin (2021) On the Innovativeness of Textbook Teaching for Excellence in Student Scholarship and Reducing Workload Demands. Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches (JESMA), 1 (1). pp. 71-77. ISSN 2757-8747
Hurt, L and Langley, K and North, K and Southern, Alex and Copeland, L and Gillard, J and Williams, S.J. (2019) Understanding and improving the care pathway for children with autism. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. ISSN 0952 6862
Jani, Kavitaben Parthkumar (2024) The Role of Public Health Education in Promoting Heart Health and Preventing Coronary Artery Disease among adults worldwide: A Systematic Literature Review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Jodha, Pinky (2021) Entrepreneurial Motivation of Female Entrepreneurs in UK Online Fashion Retailing: Personal and Social Situation of Women Entrepreneurs as Constraints on the Emergence of Entrepreneurship. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Johnson, Mike and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Adams, Catherine and Bonderup Dohn, Nina and Goetz, Greta (2022) Symposium 3: Phenomenology and networked learning - a found chord. In: Thirteenth Conference on Networked Learning, 16-18th May 2022, Sundsvall, Sweden.
Jones, Colin and Penaluna, Kathryn and Penaluna, Andrew (2020) Value creation in entrepreneurial education: towards a unified approach. Education and Training. ISSN 0040-0912
Jones, Ken and Angelle, Pamela and Lohmann-Hancock, Caroline (2019) Local implementation of national policy: social justice perspectives from the USA, India, and Wales. In: Cultures of Social Justice Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-3-030-10873-1 (In Press)
Kirby, David A. and El-Kaffass, Iman and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2022) Harmonious Entrepreneurship: evolution from wealth creation to sustainable development(submitted version). Journal of Management History, 28 (4). pp. 514-529. ISSN 1751-1348
Kirby, David A. and El-Kaffass, Iman and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2022) Integrating harmonious entrepreneurship into the curriculum: Addressing the sustainability grand challenge. In: The Wiley Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Wiley Handbooks in Education . Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 207-220. ISBN 978-1-119-85283-4
Kirby, David A. and El-Kaffass, Iman and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2023) The leopard’s spots are changing: An evolutionary approach to ecological sustainability. In: Bleeding-Edge Entrepreneurship: Digitalization, Blockchains, Space, the Ocean, and Artificial Intelligence (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 16 . Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 31-49. ISBN 9781802620351
Kirby, David A. and El-Kaffass, Iman and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2022) A new harmonised approach to sustainability: implications for entrepreneurial leadership in the Middle East and globally (submitted version). Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review,, 1 (2). pp. 127-138. ISSN 2752-9819
Kirby, David A. and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2023) Welsh harmonious treasures/Trysorau cytûn Cymreig. Other. Harmonious Entrepreneurship Society.
Leonardi, Matilde and Koutsogeorgou, Eleni and Meucci, Paolo (2015) Measuring Functioning and Disability in Children with Disability using ICF-CY Biopsychosocial Model. In: Innovative Practice and Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Psychosocial Difficulties and Disabilities. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 46-59.
Lewis, Helen (2017) Professional development for teacher educators: the missing link? Wales Journal of Education, 19 (1). ISSN 2059-3708
Lewis, Helen and Brooks, Sian and Parker, Gail and Thomas, Diane (2018) A close up on close-to-practice research: reflecting on teacher educator’s experiences of and engagement with a classroom based research project. Wales Journal of Education, 20 (1). pp. 76-92. ISSN 2059-3708
Livingston, Kay and Waters-Davies, Jane (2024) Agency in negotiating partnerships in initial teacher education: shifting sands. European Journal of Teacher Education, 47 (5). pp. 1073-1090. ISSN 1469-5928
Lohmann-Hancock, Caroline and Morgan, Philip (2019) The uncertainty of students from a widening access context undertaking an integrated master’s degree in social studies. Practice contemporary issues in practitioner education, 1 (1). ISSN 2578-3858
MacDonald, Natalie (2016) Early Intervention Multi-agency case study. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
MacDonald, Natalie (2018) The Great Divide: separation of care and education in Wales an examination of policy, reform and research evidence. Exchange Wales.
MacDonald, Natalie (2016) Poverty and Flying Start lecture. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
MacDonald, Natalie and Battenbough, Emma (2016) Attachment and Me. In: Teach First Innovation Project Feedback, 07/07/2016, Cardiff. (Unpublished)
MacDonald, Natalie and Battenbough, Emma (2015) Attachment and Wellbeing What's the problem? In: Teach First Innovation project bid, Cardiff. (Unpublished)
MacDonald, Natalie and Gealy, Ann-Marie and Tinney, Glenda (2019) Exploring the effect of an attachment intervention in areas of multiple deprivation on adult–child interaction and the implications for children's social, emotional and behavioural development. Early Child Development and Care. ISSN 1476-8275
Macdonald, Natalie and Waters-Davies, Jane and Tinney, Glenda and Pitman, Jessica and Young, Natasha and Darby, Paul (2023) Analysis of feedback on the Welsh Government public consultation process on draft assessment arrangements for funded non-maintained nursery settings. Other. Welsh Government.
Malik, Mohammad Tajwar Raees (2022) The impact of cultural differences towards product innovation in smartphone industry: a cross cultural study on consumers from Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Merriman, Eileen (2007) Bringing forests to life : the awyr iach project. Eye, 9 (2). pp. 36-44. (Unpublished)
Morgan, Catherine (2021) An exploration of the perceptions of undergraduate trainee teachers regarding the factors that impacted upon their use of incidental Welsh in the primary classroom. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Morgan-Guy, John (2022) Hanes y Coleg a’i Lyfrgell. In: Trysorau: Casgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd. ISBN 9781786839251
Munna, Afzal (2021) Assessment and verification: A higher education perspective. Journal of education and learning (EduLearn). ISSN 2302-9277
Munna, Afzal (2021) Business Model: Literature Review. Pinisi Discretion Review, 4 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2580-1317
Munna, Afzal (2021) COVID-19 and Sustainability in Higher Education. International Journal of Educational Administration, Management, and Leadership, 2 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2774-6143
Munna, Afzal (2020) International Students’ Learning Experience on Global Curriculum. Journal of Education. ISSN 2515-5741
Munna, Afzal (2020) Pedagogies and practice: online teaching during COVID-19. International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI), 3 (4). pp. 132-138. ISSN 26146169
Munna, Afzal (2020) Poverty's Effects on the Ability to Engage with Education Actively: A Case Study of the Access and Participation Plan. International Journal of Asian Education, 1 (3). pp. 125-134. ISSN 2722-8592
Munna, Afzal (2021) Strategic Management, Leadership and Staff Motivation: Literature Review. International Education and Culture Studies, 1 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2766-6778
Munna, Afzal (2020) Working from Home vs Learning from Home: A Critical Investigation and Analysis during the COVID-19. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies, 12 (3). pp. 23-29. ISSN 2581-6268
Munna, Afzal and Asongu, Simplice A. and Rahman, Mushfiqur and Okeke, Okeoma John-Paul (2022) Tourism management for financial access in Sub-Saharan Africa: inequality thresholds. Working Paper. European Xtramile Centre of African Studies (EXCAS), London.
Munna, Afzal and Khanam, R. (2021) Analysis of the Value and Advantages of Financial Literacy and Digitalization to the Individual. International Journal of Asian Education, 2 (2). ISSN 2722-8592
Munna, Afzal and Mazumdar, Anupam (2021) Online Learning: A View from Higher Education. Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences, 7 (2). pp. 45-49. ISSN 2394-451X
Munna, Afzal and Shaikh, Sadeque Imam (2021) Impact of Shared Ethnicity in Building Effective Relationship: A complete Literature Review on Higher Education Context. Academic Journal of International Education Research, 2 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2694-7803
Murphy, Alison and Roberts, Louisa and Williams, Jane and Chicken, Sarah and Clement, Jennifer and Waters-Davies, Jane and Tyrie, Jacky (2024) Participative rights in Welsh primary schools: unpicking the policy rhetoric. Policy Futures in Education, 23 (2). pp. 295-315. ISSN 1478-2103
Murphy, Alison and Tyrie, Jacky and Waters-Davies, Jane and Chicken, Sarah and Clement, Jennifer (2022) Foundation Phase teachers’ understandings and enactment of participation in school settings in Wales. In: Inclusive pedagogies for early childhood education: respecting and responding to differences in learning. Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, pp. 111-134. ISBN 9781003163206
Murphy, Alison and Waters-Davies, Jane (2022) The Children’s Rights Approach to Early Childhood Education: Policy and Context in Wales. In: Inclusive Pedagogies for Early Childhood Education: Respecting and Responding to Differences in Learning. Taylor & Francis.
Musa, Shahajada Md (2022) The Emergence of a Scholar from a Garrison Society: A contextual analysis of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb's doctrine in the light of the Qur’ān and Hadīth. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Obonyo, Carolyne (2023) Digital tools for meaningful learning of preservice teachers. In: Innovative digital practices and globalization in higher education. IGI Global. ISBN 9781668463406
Obonyo, Carolyne Nekesa (2024) Re-Examining Online Learning Practices Now and Beyond. In: Advances in Mobile and Distance Learning. IGI Global, pp. 1-30.
Obonyo, Carolyne and Davis, Niki (2024) Social Media Uncertainties: Preservice Teachers’ Use of Facebook in the Digital Era. In: SITE International conference, 25 March 2024, Las Vegas.
Obonyo, Carolyne and Davis, Niki and Fickel, Letitia (2020) Teacher Educators’ Practices with M-learning: A Case Study of ‘Far Transfer’ Into Schools of Practices Learned during Preservice Teacher Education. In: SITE Interactive 2020 Online Conference, 26-28 October 2020, Online.
Oksanen, Lea and Healey-Benson, Felicity and McCallum, Elin (2022) Take a Chance on CPD! How One School Put its Faith in the EntreCompEdu CPD Programme and Developed Whole-School Collective Entrepreneurial Education. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny (66/4). pp. 138-162.
Penaluna, Andrew and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Penaluna, Kathryn (2024) Entrepreneurial Education Pipeline: Lessons from Schoolteacher Training in Wales. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 46th Annual Conference, 6-7 November 2024, Cutler's Hall, Sheffield.
Penaluna, Andrew and Penaluna, Kathryn and Polenakovik, Radmil (2020) Developing entrepreneurial education in national school curricula: lessons from North Macedonia and Wales. Entrepreneurship education. ISSN 2520-8152
Penaluna, Kathryn and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2020) Introducing EntreCompEdu - A European case study on enterprising the educators: Dafen Primary School, Wales. In: International Entrepreneurship Educators Conference (online) 2020, 09/09/2020 - 11/09/2020, Online (Covid).
Pitman, Jessica (2014) An investigation into the actions of parenting educators that affect learners' self-esteem, underpinned by Malcom Knowles' (1998) theory of how adults mature through learning. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Rekers, Angela and Waters-Davies, Jane (2022) Cultural Framing of Expectations for Play. In: Introduction to Play. SAGE. (In Press)
Rekers-Power, Angela (2020) Exploring young children’s participation and motive orientation in the classroom and at forest school. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Rogers, Nicholas (2024) Simulated Online Music Composing Lessons: developing teaching models through action research. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Rowland, Melanie (2024) How Does it Heal? Isolation and Re-engaging in Education the Role of Trauma Related Practice in a Post-Pandemic Britain. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Schriek, Michaela (2024) The effects of humour on mature students’ experience of/in higher education. European Journal of Humour Research, 12 (4). pp. 145-158. ISSN 10.7592
Shokri, Hossein (2024) Virtual Reality Technology in Developing Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Skills in HE. In: Empowering Students and Elevating Universities With Innovation Centers. IGI Global, pp. 40-54.
Siencyn, Sian Wyn (2008) Y plentyn bach : cyflwyniad i astudiaethau plentyndod cynnar. University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Caerfyrddin.
Silverstone, Benjamin M. (2015) On the use of email in further education. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Singleton, Tracey and Muldoon, Faith and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2021) The first EntreCompEdu Pioneer School: Dafen Primary, Wales. [Video]
Soltani, Pooya and Vilas-Boas, João Paulo (2019) Multi-user virtual environments for physical education and sport training. In: Cases on immersive virtual reality techniques. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 20-41. ISBN 9781522559122
Soltani, Pooya and Vilas-Boas, João Paulo (2017) Sport Exergames for Physical Education. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 7358-7367. ISBN 9781522522553
Southern, Alex (2018) Disrupting the Habitus? Media representations and participant experience of Teach First: an exploratory case study in Wales. Teachers and Teaching, 24 (5). pp. 1-14. ISSN Print ISSN: 1354-0602 Online ISSN: 1470-1278
Southern, Alex (2020) Teach First Cymru: Whose Mission? Teach First and the Welsh Government ‘National Mission’ for Education. In: Examining Teach For All: international perspectives on a growing global network. Oxford studies in comparative education . Routledge. ISBN 9780367336486
Southern, Alex and Elliott, Jenny and Morley, Colin (2020) Third Space Creative Pedagogies: Developing a Model of Shared CPDL for Teachers and Artists to Support Reading and Writing in the Primary Curricula of England and Wales. International Journal of Education & Literacy Studies, 8 (1). pp. 24-31. ISSN 2202-9478 (In Press)
Sreekumaran Nair, Sree Lekshmi (2021) Analysis of the impacy of organisational culture on occupational stress : the role of job satisfaction in IT SMEs in India and the UK. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Stewart, Sarah (2024) An Exploration of the Conceptualisation and Enactment of Children’s Rights in the Curriculum for Wales. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Stewart, Sarah and MacDonald, Natalie and Waters-Davies, Jane (2024) Early Childhood Education in Wales: Policy, Promises and Practice Realities. Wales Journal of Education, 26 (2). pp. 124-139. ISSN 2059-3708
Thomas, Sally (2005) The foundation phase: perceptions, attitudes and expectations. An overview of the ethos and an analysis of the implications of the implementation. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Thomas-Walters, Junnine (2023) Exploring opportunities for children’s creativity and imagination in ‘real world’ and ‘fantasy’ play in the Reception setting. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Tinney, Glenda (2023) Big changes! The Great Outdoors and the Curriculum for Wales. FORUM for promoting 3 - 19 comprehensive education, 65 (1). pp. 63-75. ISSN 0963-8253
Tinney, Glenda (2020) Early Years Education, Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship and the Principles of Harmony. In: The harmony debates: exploring a practical philosophy for a sustainable future. Sophia Centre Press, Wales, pp. 461-473. ISBN 978-1-907767-22-7
Tinney, Glenda (2023) Nature, Ecology and Early Years Education. In: Rivers, Mountains, Sky and Sea. The Materiality of Spirit and Place. Sophia Centre Press, Ceredigion, pp. 45-60. ISBN 978-1-907767-15-9
Tinney, Glenda (2013) Perceptions and understanding of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) by teachers and teacher trainees and the opportunities and challenges of integrating ESDGC into early childhood learning within the Foundation Phase. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Tinney, Glenda and Davies, Gwyneth and Rees Edwards, Alison and Gealy, Ann-Marie (2016) A qualitative evaluation of Superbox 2015 in terms of delivering key Superbox outcomes. Project Report. BookTrust Cymru.
Tinney, Glenda and Grist, Clare (2009) Looking in and reaching out : a research project to identify ways forward to increase access to education and early years education for BME communities in South Wales. Full report conducted for Trinity College Carmarthen School of Early Years Education School of Education Studies and Social Inclusion. Project Report. Trinity University College, Carmarthen.
Tinney, Glenda and Grist, Clare (2009) Looking in and reaching out : a research project to identify ways forward to increase access to education and early years education for BME communities in South Wales. Key findings and recommendations conducted for Trinity College Carmarthen School of Early Years Education School of Education Studies and Social Inclusion. Project Report. Trinity University College, Carmarthen.
Viney, Michael (2023) Evaluating the Impact of a Reciprocal Teaching Intervention for Learners with Diverse Reading Abilities in the Upper Primary Phase. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Vlachou, Anastasia and Karadimou, Stella and Koutsogeorgou, Eleni (2016) Exploring the views and beliefs of parents of typically developing children about inclusion and inclusive education. Educational Research, 58 (4). pp. 384-399.
Wainwright, Nalda and Goodway, Jackie and Whitehead, Margaret and Williams, Andy and Kirk, David (2019) Playful pedagogy for deeper learning: exploring the implementation of the play based Foundation Phase in Wales. Early Child Development and Care, 190 (2020-1). pp. 43-53. ISSN 1476-8275
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