The Alister Hardy Lampeter Lecture: Crystallizing the Angels – A methodological proposal for the study of angels

Boyce-Tillman, June (2015) The Alister Hardy Lampeter Lecture: Crystallizing the Angels – A methodological proposal for the study of angels. In: Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre Conference 2015, 3rd July 2015, Lampeter.

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The second conference of the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Centre was held on 3rd July 2015 with the topic of angels in different religious traditions. The Alister Hardy Lampeter lecture was given by The Reverend Professor June Boyce-Tillman, MBE, Professor of Applied music at the University of Winchester and Associate Professor of North-West University, South Africa. The lecture will explore the complex issues involved in the study of angels, examining various frames to accommodate the variety of data available. The data includes accounts of people’s experiences and questionnaires associated with them, reported visionary experiences and a variety of artistic sources. These will include images (such as Hildegard’s choir of angels), poems (such as those of Rilke), historical accounts (such as the biblical account of the Annunciation) and music (such as Elgar's’ Dream of Gerontius and hymn texts). The methodology will build on Fiona Bowie’s cognitive empathetic engagement (2014), adding to this, methodologies from the area of Performance-as-Research (Boyce-Tillman et al 2013). These will be put together within the developing methodology of crystallization which “combines multiple forms of analysis and multiple genres of representation into a coherent text”, to build a rich account of the phenomenon problematizing its construction, highlighting researchers’’ positionality and examining socially constructed meanings to reveal the indeterminacy of knowledge claims (Ellingson 2009 p4). Within these it will draw on Boyce-Tillman’s analysis of elements within the spiritual experience (Boyce-Tillman 2013) into the areas of Metaphysical, Narrative, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Extra-personal and InterGaian.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Keynote)
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > B Philosophy (General)
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BL Religion
D History General and Old World > D History (General)
M Music and Books on Music > M Music
Divisions: Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre > Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre Conference
Depositing User: Natalie Williams
Date Deposited: 22 May 2024 14:50
Last Modified: 22 May 2024 14:50

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