Items where Subject is "B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1670)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (490)
- BF Psychology (94)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (490)
Agyei, Baffour Dokyi (2022) The Impact of Employee Motivation on Employees Operational Performance in the Ghanaian Large-scale Textile Manufacturing Industry. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Alame-Jones, Deborah (2018) The Contemporary Relevance of Kant’s Transcendental Psychology. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Andrikopoulos, Laura (2023) The psychologisation of natal astrology in the twentieth century. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Aylward, Zoe (2023) Is social media doing young people any good? A research study looking at the possible impacts of social media on young people. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Backer, Luc de (2016) Conversion and Ritualisation: an analysis of how westerners enter the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and assimilate its values and practices. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Baker, A and Phelps, Ceri (2019) A changing identity: a focus group study of the experiences of women diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. Cancer Nursing Practice, 18 (2). ISSN 1475-4266
Baker, Abeigail (2024) Finding my therapeutic voice: a heuristic enquiry into the power of magic. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Beckstein, Amoneeta and Rathakrishnan, Balan and Hutchings, Paul B. and Mohamed, Noor Hassline (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic and mental health in Malaysia: Current treatment and future recommendations. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 21 (1). ISSN 2590-3829
Bell, Jacob (2024) A Phenomenological Analysis of Meaningful Existence. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Besta, Tomasz and Jurek, Pawel and Olech, Michal and Wtodarczyk, Anna and Kosakowska-Berezecka, Natasza and Bosson, Jennifer K and Bender, Michael and Hutchings, Paul B. and Sullivan, Katie E. and Zadkowska, Magdalena (2024) Measuring Collective Action Intention Toward Gender Equality Across Cultures. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 40 (5). ISSN 2151-2426
Bhut, Krishna Nileshkumar (2024) The Impact of Social isolation and loneliness on mental health and overall wellbeing of geriatric Population: A systemic literature review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Bicknell, Sean (2025) How Applicable is Attachment Theory Globally and Culturally and What Are the Implications for Social Services and Psychotherapy. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Blagrove, Mark and Hale, Sioned and Lockheart, Julia and Carr, Michelle and Jones, Alex and Valli, Katja (2019) Testing the empathy theory of dreaming: The Relationship Between Dream Sharing and Trait and State Empathy. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (1351). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1664-1078
Blagrove, Mark and Lockheart, Julia (2022) Dream-sharing and human self-domestication. International Journal of Dream Research, 15 (1). ISSN 1866-7953
Blagrove, Mark and Lockheart, Julia and Carr, Michelle and Basra, S. and Graham, H. and Lewis, H. and Murphy, E. and Sakalauskaite, A. and Trotman, C. and Valli, Katja (2021) Dream sharing and the enhancement of empathy: Theoretical and applied implications. Dreaming, 31 (2). pp. 128-139. ISSN 1573-3351
Bosson, Jennifer and Jurek, Pawel and Vandello, Joseph and Kosakowska-Berezecka, Natasza and Olech, Michal and Besta, Tomasz and Bender, Michael and Hoorens, Vera and Becker, Maja and Sevincer, A. Timur and Best, Deborah L. and Hutchings, Paul B. and Sullivan, Katie E. and Zukauskiene, Rita (2021) Psychometric Properties and Correlates of Precarious Manhood Beliefs in 62 Nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. ISSN 1552-5422
Brady, Bernadette (2011) Theories of Fate among Present-day Astrologers. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Brown, Adrian and Flint, Stuart W. and Kalea, Anastasia Z. and O'Kane, Mary and Williams, Simon and Batterham, Rachel L. (2021) Negative impact of the first COVID-19 lockdown upon health-related behaviours and psychological wellbeing in people living with severe and complex obesity in the UK. EClinicalMedicine, 34. ISSN 2589-5370
Chamberlain, Rebecca and McManus, Christopher and Brunswick, Nicola and Rankin, Qona and Riley, Howard (2015) Scratching the Surface: Learning Styles, Training and the Acquisition of High-level Representational Drawing Ability. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 9 (2). ISSN 1931-3896
Chamberlain, Rebecca and McManus, Christopher and Brunswick, Nicola and Rankin, Qona and Riley, Howard and Kanai, R. (2014) Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Analysis of Observational Drawing. NeuroImage, 96. pp. 167-173. ISSN 1053-8119
Chua, Caik Leng (2022) Developing a fengshui-based strategic decision-making model for Malaysia's property industry. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Cockrill, Antje and Parsonage, Isobel (2016) Shocking people into action – does it still work? An empirical analysis of emotional appeals in charity advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 56 (4). pp. 401-413. ISSN 0021-8499
Cooke, Zoe (2024) The Psychosocial Cancer Evaluation Toolkit: developing a tailored evaluation protocol and interface for the evaluation of cancer support initiatives. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Corrywright, Dominic (2002) New age alternative spiritualities. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165461
Dacey, Michael (2018) A study of novice programmer performance and programming pedagogy. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Fox, Mark (1996) Searching for the truth around the next twist: why do we like The X-Files? UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165119
Freitas, Marta Helena de and Schmidt, Bettina E. (2021) Da vida marinha ao sentimento oceânico: Alister Hardy e o estudo da experiência religiosa / From marine life to ocean feeling: Alister Hardy and the study of religious experience. Memorandum: memória e história em psicologia, 38. ISSN 1676-1669
Fu, Hangtao (2024) Impact of living space on people’s mental and emotion well-being: An eco-design “Revolving House”. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ginty, Jacqueline (2023) How Jung’s Theories of The Self May Be Classified as Gnostic and are Grounded in Gnostic Cosmology. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Greenway, Charlotte (2024) Exploring Classroom Grouping Practices in Wales. Wales Journal of Education. ISSN 2059-3708 (In Press)
Greenway, Charlotte (2024) Learner experiences of low attainment groups in the context of a rights approach to education. Pedagogy, Culture & Society. ISSN 1747-5104
Greenway, Charlotte (2018) The efficacy of Social Stories in the classroom to reduce disruptive behaviours in children with ADHD. Acta Psychopathologica, 4 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2469-6676
Greenway, Charlotte and Eaton-Thomas, Karen (2020) Parent experiences of home-schooling children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities during the Coronavirus pandemic. British Journal of Special Education. ISSN 1467-8578
Greenway, Charlotte and Edwards Rees, Alison (2020) Knowledge and attitudes towards Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A comparison of teachers and teaching assistants. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 25. ISSN 1940-4158
Greenway, Charlotte and Price, Clare (2018) A qualitative study of the motivations for Anabolic-androgenic steroid use: the role of Muscle Dysmorphia and Self-esteem in Long-term users. Performance Enhancement & Health, 6 (1). pp. 12-20. ISSN 2211-2669
Greenway, Charlotte and Rees Edwards, Alison (2021) Teaching assistants’ facilitators and barriers to effective practice working with children with ADHD: A qualitative study. British Journal of Special Education. ISSN 1467-8578 (In Press)
Greenway, Charlotte and Robinson, Ammanys H and King, Janice M (2023) The effect of social devaluation, labelling and familiarity on children's attitudes and behavioural intentions towards a peer with symptoms of ADHD. Psychology in the schools. ISSN 1520-6807 (In Press)
Holland, Kai (2024) Visual scientific modelling – a visual hypothesis for the nature of consciousness & the evolution of conscious awareness. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Hughes, O. and Hutchings, Paul B. and Phelps, Ceri (2021) Stigma, social appearance anxiety and coping in men and women living with skin conditions: A mixed methods analysis. Skin Health and Disease. e73. ISSN 2690-442X
Humphrey, Samantha (2021) An exploration of what experienced business coaches take to supervision. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Humphreys, Rebekah (2011) Review of: Do Fish Feel Pain? (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), by Victoria Braithwaite. In Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Vol.5, No.2, 178-182, May 2011. Routledge, London.
Humphreys, Rebekah (2007) Review of: Encountering the Dharma: Daisaku Ikeda, Soka Gakkai, and the Globalization of Buddhist Humanism, by Richard Hughes Seager (University of California Press, 2006). In Metapsychology, Vol. 11, No.28, July 10 2007. Metapsychology Online.
Humphreys, Rebekah (2008) Review of: Ethics in Mental Health Research: Principles, Guidance, and Cases, by James M. DuBois (Oxford University Press, 2007). Published in Metapsychology Online Reviews, Vol.12, Issue 25, June 17 2008. Metapsychology Online.
Hunter, Jack (2021) “ … Not the action of mind upon matter, but the action of mind-matter upon matter-mind … ”: a world of many minds in archaeology and ethnography. Time and Mind, 14 (4). pp. 481-485. ISSN 1751-6978
Hurt, L and Langley, K and North, K and Southern, Alex and Copeland, L and Gillard, J and Williams, S.J. (2019) Understanding and improving the care pathway for children with autism. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. ISSN 0952 6862
Hutchings, Paul B. and Grey, Paul and Manchipp, Sara and Phelps, Ceri (2013) Understanding public attitudes towards organ donation: a media analysis. Other. Welsh Government, Cardiff.
Hutchings, Paul B. and Sullivan, Katie E. (2023) Gender: How stubborn are the stereotypes? The Psychologist. ISSN 0952-8229 (In Press)
Hutchings, Paul B. and Sullivan, Katie E. (2019) Prejudice and the Brexit vote: a tangled web. Palgrave Communications, 5 (5).
Jakobsen, Merete (1999) Negative spiritual experiences: encounters with evil. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780906165324
James, Darrel (2023) A review of suicide, suicidal ideation and preventative interventions in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Juusola, Katariina (2023) Toward a theory of positive psychology in supporting child-centred family language policy. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Khanam, Sabina (2024) The effects of depression on quality of life in the ageing population: A systematic literature review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Kosakowska-Berezecka, Natasza and Besta, Tomasz and Wlodarczyk, Anna and Anderson, Joel and De Lemus, Soledad and Froehlich, Laura and Dordevic, Jasna and Muller, Dominique and Pacilli, Maria and Salvati, Marco and Schindler, Simon and Hutchings, Paul B. and Sullivan, Katie E. (2020) Country-level and Individual-level Predictors of Men's Support for Gender Equality in 42 Countries. European Journal of Social Psychology. ISSN 1099-0992
Kosakowska-Berezecka, Natasza and Bosson, Jennifer and Jurek, Pawel and Besta, Tomasz and Olech, Michal and Vandello, Joseph and Bender, Michael and Hutchings, Paul B. and Sullivan, Katie E. and Zadkowska, Magdalena (2022) Gendered Self-Views Across 62 Countries: A Test of Competing Models. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Lanz, Kate (2024) What is the Value as Described by Senior Leaders of Understanding Individual Brain Sex Differences in the Workplace - An Exploration. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Lee, Ying Ching (2024) An Examination of the Worldviews and Practices of Contemporary Chinese Astrologers. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Lockheart, Julia (2024) Painting and socializing COVID-19 dreams. International Journal of Surrealism, 1 (2). pp. 87-108. ISSN 2837-4649
Lockheart, Julia and Holzinger, Brigitte and Adler, Katharina and Barrett, Deirdre and Nobus, Dany and Wessely, Zora and Blagrove, Mark (2021) 120th anniversary event for ‘Dora’ telling her burning house dream to Freud. International Journal of Dream Research, 14 (2). ISSN 1866-7953
Locock, Martin (2018) Lessons learned for managing projects in a Higher Education environment: organisational and individual experience. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
López Silva, Alejo Matías (2023) Gender and Astrology: A Study on Astrologer’s Ideas on Gender and How They Are Reflected in Their Interpretation of the Sun and the Moon. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Mahmoud, Ali B. and Reisel, William D. and Fuxman, Leonora and Mohr, Iris (2020) A motivational standpoint of job insecurity effects on organizational citizenship behaviors: A generational study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 62 (2). pp. 267-275. ISSN 1467-9450
Mahmoud, Ali B. and Reisel, William D. and Hack-Polay, Dieu and Fuxman, Leonora (2021) No one is safe! But who's more susceptible? Locus of control moderates pandemic perceptions' effects on job insecurity and psychosocial factors amongst MENA hospitality frontliners: a PLS-SEM approach. BMC public health, 21 (1). ISSN 1471-2458
McCallum, Peter (2017) Oracular prophecy and psychology in Ancient Greek warfare. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Minzlaff, Kathrine Anne and Palmer, Stephen and Fillery-Travis, Annette (2024) The significance and challenges of turnover and retention of millennial professionals. Journal of Work-Applied Management. ISSN 2205-2062
Minzlaff, Kathrine and Palmer, Stephen and Fillery-Travis, Annette (2024) Increasing Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment Through Coaching. International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 5 (4). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2634-7946
Mohamed, Noor Hassline and Beckstein, Amoneeta and Hutchings, Paul B. and Pang Tze Ping, Nicholas and Dawood, Sheik and Sullivan, Katie E. and Fadilah, Risydah and Yahaya, Azizi and Villadolid, Jay (2022) Cross-cultural Differences in Psychological Health During Covid-19. European Journal of Mental Health. ISSN 1788-7119
Neal, James and Phelps, Ceri and Hutchings, Paul B. and Williams, Donald (2022) Football and Dementia: Understanding the Link. Frontiers in Psychiatry. ISSN Electronic: 1664-0640
Nicol, Amelia Jane (2024) Conspirituality in the Age of TikTok: A Thematic Analysis of #AgeofAquarius. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Novy, Jeanette (2024) Speech and the Cosmos: A Study of Speech as a Means of Relating with the Cosmos. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Patel, Malhar Parbhubhai (2024) The Impact of Social Media Use on Mental Health of the Adult Population: A Systematic Literature Review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Pearce, Sioned and Evans, Andrew and Phelps, Ceri and Matthews, Maura and Hughes, Gail and Lewis, Ian (2016) The case for targeting community pharmacy‐led health improvement: Findings from a skin cancer campaign in Wales. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 24. pp. 333-340. ISSN 2042-7174
Phelps, Ceri and Butler, Carole and Cousins, Alecia and Hughes, Carol (2015) Sowing the seeds or failing to blossom? A feasibility study of a simple ecotherapy-based intervention in women affected by breast cancer. ecancermedicalscience, 9 (602). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1754-6605
Phelps, Ceri and Hutchings, Paul B. and Stokes, Tim and Cooke, Zoe and Williams, Mark and Jenkins, Sean (2024) The impact of a customised aesthetic prosthetic leg cover on social interaction cues and attitudes in the general UK population: two experimental studies. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. ISSN 1746-1553
Phelps, Ceri and Minou, Masoumeh and Baker, Andrew and Hughes, Carol and French, Helen and Hawkins, Wayne and Leeuwenberg, Andrew and Crabtree, Rebecca and Hutchings, Paul B. (2016) Necessary but not sufficient? Engaging young people in the development of an avatar-based online intervention designed to provide psychosocial support to young people affected by their own or a family member's cancer diagnosis. Health Expectations. ISSN 13696513
Robins, Mark (2022) To what extent do ‘processes of the mind’, consistent with evolutionary psychology, account for religious experiences involving the Trinity? Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Rodriguez-Morales, Lymarie (2020) ‘That’s the Spiritual Side of Me’: Men’s Autobiographical Accounts of Recovery in Twelve Step Fellowships. Implicit Religion, 22 (2). ISSN 1463-9955
Rodriguez-Morales, Lymarie (2019) To thine own self be true: Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery and care of the self. In: Spirituality and Wellbeing Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Religious Experience and Health. Equinox Publishing Ltd, UK. ISBN 9781781797648 (In Press)
Rodriguez-Morales, Lymarie (2019) A hero's journey: Becoming and transcendence in addiction recovery. Journal of Psychological Therapies, 4 (2). pp. 155-166. ISSN 2054-457x (In Press)
Rodriguez-Morales, Lymarie (2024) A phenomenological exploration of men’s experience of happiness. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sampson, Martyn (2021) Diagnosis, misdiagnosis, and becoming better: An investigation into epistemic injustice and mental health. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Schriek, Michaela (2024) The effects of humour on mature students’ experience of/in higher education. European Journal of Humour Research, 12 (4). pp. 145-158. ISSN 10.7592
Schuller, Govert (2019) The possibility conditions of narrative identity. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Soltani, Pooya and Figueiredo, Pedro and Vilas-Boas, João Paulo (2020) Does exergaming drive future physical activity and sport intentions? Journal of Health Psychology, 25 (2). ISSN 1359-1053
Stainsby, Meg Elizabeth (2022) Chasing Peace: A Memoir. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Stevens, Hayley (2021) Using autoethnographic methodology to explore the healing potential of non-ordinary experiences as it relates to developmental and intergenerational trauma. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Sullivan, Katie E. (2021) Examining Prejudice Types and Their Influence on Attitudes Toward Groups. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Sullivan, Katie E. and Hutchings, Paul B. (2020) Right-Wing Authoritarian and Explicit Prejudice Attitude Responses to the Paris Terror Attacks: A Within-Subjects Analysis. Terrorism and Political Violence. ISSN 1556-1836
Sullivan, Melina (2023) The Need for Change: A Pluralistic Psychotherapeutic Approach to Adult Outpatient Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa - A Critical Literature Review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Tree, J. and Horry, R. and Riley, Howard and Wilmer, J. (2017) Are portrait artists superior face recognisers? Limited impact of adult experience on face recognition ability. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 43 (4). pp. 667-676. ISSN 0096-1523
Washington, Rhianon and Cox, Elaine (2016) How an Evolution View of Workplace Mentoring Relationships Helps Avoid Negative Experiences: The Developmental Relationship Mentoring Model in Action. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 24 (4). pp. 318-340. ISSN 1361-1267
Williams, Kate E. and Hutchings, Paul B. and Phelps, Ceri (2021) Beyond learning in higher education: an evaluation of the ‘Life Design’ initiative to improve student employability. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 1470-174X
Wojtczuk‐Turek, Agnieszka and Turek, Dariusz and Edgar, Fiona and Klein, Howard J. and Bosak, Janine and Okay-Somerville, Belgin and Fu, Na and Raeder, Sabine and Phelps, Ceri and Sullivan, Katie E. and Hutchings, Paul B. and Labedzki, Rafal (2024) Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction— unlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross-cultural perspective from 54 countries. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. ISSN 1535-3966
Xu, Tianyuan (2023) Examining the Link between Personality Traits, Cognitive Performance, and Consecutive Interpreting. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Yang, Haiyun (2023) Human Theatre. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.