Items where Subject is "L Education > LC Special aspects of education > LC5201 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1671)
- L Education (277)
- LC Special aspects of education (34)
- LC5201 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education (11)
- LC Special aspects of education (34)
- L Education (277)
Gunzburg, Darrelyn (2019) The Horoscopic Place:The Encounter between Astrologer and Client. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 13 (1). pp. 44-60. ISSN 1749-4907
Oksanen, Lea and Healey-Benson, Felicity and McCallum, Elin (2022) Take a Chance on CPD! How One School Put its Faith in the EntreCompEdu CPD Programme and Developed Whole-School Collective Entrepreneurial Education. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny (66/4). pp. 138-162.
Book Section
Clancy, Sharon and Jones, Iain (2024) Introduction: lived experience, lifelong learning, community activism and social change. In: Lived experience, lifelong learning, community activism and social change. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781032715582
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Johnson, Michael R. and Adams, Catherine and Turville, Joni (2024) What Is it Like for a Learner to Participate in a Zoom Breakout Room Session? In: Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. Research in networked learning . Springer Cham, Switzerland, pp. 125-152. ISBN 9783031627798
Johnson, Michael R. and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Adams, Catherine and Dohn, Nina Bonderup (2024) Introducing Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. In: Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. Research in networked learning . Springer Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9783031627798
Galimidi, Maya (2023) Changes in nature connection: A study of the effects on the participants of taking part in an antique seed, natural farming, and seed balls workshop. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Healey-Benson, Felicity (2023) A hermeneutic phenomenological investigation of the lived experiences of educators facilitating higher-order thinking skills in Higher Education. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ketcha Djiffouet, Annel Ludovic (2019) An Investigation into the Acquisition of Tacit Knowledge in e-Learning Environments: An Experimental Study. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Wolsey, Angharad Myfanwy (2022) Being NEET: A review of the literature surrounding young people not in education, employment or training. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Healey-Benson, Felicity (2021) EntreCompEdu Café - Vlogging as summative assessment with Felicity Healey-Benson. [Video]
Pepper, Ian and rogers, colin and Turner, James and Louis, Nick and Williams, Bronwen (2024) Enabling student employability through volunteering: insights from police volunteers studying professional policing degrees in Wales. Emerald Publishing Limited.