Browse by Author

Riley, Howard (2024) Assessing Practice-based Research in the Visual Arts: A Proposed New Criterion. Studies in Graduate & Postdoctoral Education. ISSN 2398-4686
Riley, Howard (2024) The Domains of Aesthetics and Perception Theories: A Review relevant to Practice-based Doctoral Theses in the Visual Arts. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 58 (2). ISSN 1543-7809
Riley, Howard (2024) 'Visualcy': the Progenitor of Literacy and Numeracy. Journal of Visual Literacy, 43 (1). ISSN 1051-144X
Riley, Howard (2023) The Drive to Draw: Perceptual Attention and Communicative Intention. Leonardo. ISSN 0024-094X
Riley, Howard and Darlington, Michelle (2022) Drawing Matters. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 21 (1). pp. 115-130. ISSN 1474-273X
Riley, Howard and Newell, Robert A. (2021) Egological meets Ecological: Drawing Aspects in Perspective(s). Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 6 (2). pp. 309-337. ISSN 2057-0384
Riley, Howard (2021) A Contemporary Pedagogy of Drawing. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 20 (04). ISSN 1470-2029
Riley, Howard (2020) The case for the primacy of visualcy within a neoliberal art school curriculum. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. ISSN 1474-0222
Riley, Howard (2019) Learning drawing: Sustaining the primacy of visualcy within a neo-liberal artschool curriculum. Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 4 (2). pp. 299-309. ISSN 2057-0384
Riley, Howard (2019) Beware the 'Slipperiness of Cognitivism': the concise case for doctoral research through practices in the visual arts. Wales Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1 (2). pp. 95-107. ISSN 2396-7285
Riley, Howard (2019) Drawing as language: the systemic-functional semiotic argument. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 2019 (2). pp. 132-144. ISSN 1470-2029
Riley, Howard (2018) Bridging the gap: connecting conceptual intrigue and perceptual intrigue through drawing practice. TRACEY: Drawing and visualisation research, 2018 (13). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1742-3570
Riley, Howard (2018) Aesthetic cognitivism: towards a concise case for doctoral research through practices in the visual arts. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 18 (4). ISSN 1474-0222
Riley, Howard and Rankin, Qona and Brunswick, Nicola and McManus, Christopher and Chamberlain, Rebecca (2017) Talking the line: inclusive strategies for the teaching of drawing. Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 2 (2). ISSN 2057-0384
Riley, Howard (2017) Drawing as drivers of creativity : nurturing an Intelligence of seeing in art students. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 36 (3). pp. 273-80. ISSN 1476-8062
Tree, J. and Horry, R. and Riley, Howard and Wilmer, J. (2017) Are portrait artists superior face recognisers? Limited impact of adult experience on face recognition ability. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 43 (4). pp. 667-676. ISSN 0096-1523
Riley, Howard (2017) Interpreting Pictures: A Systemic-functional Model for Visual Imagery. New Semiotics: Between Tradition and Innovation. ISSN 2414-6862
Chamberlain, Rebecca and McManus, Christopher and Brunswick, Nicola and Rankin, Qona and Riley, Howard (2015) Scratching the Surface: Learning Styles, Training and the Acquisition of High-level Representational Drawing Ability. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 9 (2). ISSN 1931-3896
Riley, Howard (2015) Seeing into drawing :perception and communication. Art & Perception, 4 (1-2). pp. 57-71. ISSN 2213-4905
Riley, Howard and Roberts, Amanda (2014) Bridging Civilisations: The Application of Systemic-Functional Semiotics in the Comparison of Drawings from China and Europe. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 10 (2). pp. 229-245. ISSN 2198-9605
Chamberlain, Rebecca and McManus, Christopher and Brunswick, Nicola and Rankin, Qona and Riley, Howard and Kanai, R. (2014) Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Analysis of Observational Drawing. NeuroImage, 96. pp. 167-173. ISSN 1053-8119
Riley, Howard (2014) Channels of vision and the poetics of drawing: Strategies for teaching. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 13 (3). pp. 201-216. ISSN 1474-0222
Roberts, Amanda and Riley, Howard (2014) The gendered image: deconstructing life drawing. The International Journal of the Image, 4 (1). pp. 77-86. ISSN 2150-8560
Riley, Howard (2014) Drivers of creativity: how theory can inform contemporary practice in the art school curriculum and beyond. International Journal of Arts Education, 8. ISSN 2326-9944
Riley, Howard and Roberts, Amanda (2013) Drawing as Worldmaking: Revitalising the Liferoom. Tracey.
Riley, Howard (2013) Visual art and social structure: the social semiotics of relational art. Visual Communication, 12 (2). pp. 207-216. ISSN 1470-3572
Riley, Howard and Roberts, Amanda (2012) The Social Semiotic Potential of Gestural Drawing. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 11 (1). pp. 63-73. ISSN 1470-2029
Riley, Howard (2011) Relational Art as Social Semiotic. International Journal of the Arts in Society, 6. ISSN 1833-1866
Riley, Howard and McManus, Christopher and Chamberlain, Rebecca and Brunswick, Nicola and Rankin, Qona and Loo, Phik-Wern (2010) Art students who cannot draw: exploring the relations between drawing ability, visual memory, accuracy of copying and dyslexia. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 4 (1). pp. 18-30.
Riley, Howard (2009) Towards a Syntax of Visual Delight. Tracey journal. ISSN 1742-3570
Book Section
Riley, Howard (2024) Drawing as Semogenic Language. A New Pedagogy. In: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Drawing Research. Bloomsbury, London. (In Press)
Riley, Howard (2014) Analysing Pictures: A Systemic-Functional Semiotic Model for Drawing. In: Multimodal Epistemologies: Towards an Integrated Framework,. Routledge. ISBN 9780415825238
Riley, Howard and Roberts, Amanda (2012) Drawing at the Critical Edge. In: The edge of our thinking. Royal College of Art. ISBN 978-1-907342-67-7
Riley, Howard (2008) Drawing: Towards an Intelligence of Seeing. In: Writing and drawing. Intellect, pp. 153-167. ISBN 978-1-84150-200-7
Conference or Workshop Item
Riley, Howard (2023) 'Visualcy': The Progenitor of Literacy & Numeracy. mp4 file. In: NEXUS Conference UWTSD June 2023, June 2023, UWTSD. (Unpublished)
Riley, Howard (2020) 'Ego' meets 'Eco': A Strategy for the Teaching of Drawing. In: Thinking Through Drawing: 2B Drawing Changes Symposium, 16-18 October 2020, Online.
Riley, Howard and Rankin, Qona (2021) Observational Drawing for Students with Dyslexia. Jessica Kingsley, London. ISBN 9781787751422
Riley, Howard (2001) The intelligence of seeing : an enquiry into the relationships between perception theory, communication theory and the practice and teaching of drawing. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.