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Bateman, Amanda and Waters, Jane (2018) Risk-taking in the New Zealand Bush: issues of resilience and wellbeing. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 12 (2). pp. 7-29. ISSN ISSN 1976-1961

Bilton, Helen and Waters, Jane (2016) Why take young children outside? A critical consideration of the professed aims for outdoor learning in the early years by teachers from England and Wales. Social Sciences, 6 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2076-0760


Evans, Gareth (2023) Understanding the impact of school inspection: An analysis of how school leaders in Wales interpret and respond to inspection outcomes. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Grigg, Russell and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Israel, Hazel and McCallum, Elin and Oksanen, Lea (2024) Chapter 6: Reflecting on the potential of EntreCompEdu to stimulate teachers’ entrepreneurial thinking and activity. In: Stimulating Entrepreneurial Activity in a European Context. Business 2024 . Elgar, pp. 112-134. ISBN 9781802200676 (Submitted)

Grigg, Russell and Lewis, Helen (2016) A-Z of Learning Outside the Classroom. Bloomsbury Publishing.


Healey-Benson, Felicity (2021) EntreCompEdu Café - Vlogging as summative assessment with Felicity Healey-Benson. [Video]

Hughes, Sioned and Lewis, Helen (2020) Tensions in current curriculum reform and the development of teachers’ professional autonomy. Curriculum Journal. ISSN 0958-5176


John, Amanda and Wainwright, Nalda and Goodway, Jacqueline D. and Williams, Andy (2024) Examining the fidelity of implementation of SKIP Cymru (Successful kinaesthetic instruction for pre-schoolers- Wales) by early childhood teachers in Wales following a programme of professional development. Physical education and sport pedagogy. ISSN 1742-5786

John, Amanda and Wainwright, Nalda and Goodway, Jacqueline D. and Williams, Andy (2024) The Relationship between Physical Activity and Motor Competence of Foundation Phase Children in Wales during the School Day. Children, 11 (6). ISSN 2227-9067


Leonardi, Matilde and Koutsogeorgou, Eleni and Meucci, Paolo (2015) Measuring Functioning and Disability in Children with Disability using ICF-CY Biopsychosocial Model. In: Innovative Practice and Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Psychosocial Difficulties and Disabilities. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 46-59.

Lewis, Helen (2017) Supporting the development of young children's metacognition through video stimulated reflective dialogue. Early Child Development and Care. ISSN 0300-4430

Lewis, Helen (2017) An investigation into thinking skills and young children's metacognition in the Foundation Phase in Wales. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


MacDonald, Natalie (2018) The Great Divide: separation of care and education in Wales an examination of policy, reform and research evidence. Exchange Wales.

MacDonald, Natalie (2016) The business of eradicating poverty in schools. South Wales Business Review, 6 (3). pp. 18-19. ISSN 2049-5544

MacDonald, Natalie and Gealy, Ann-Marie and Tinney, Glenda (2019) Exploring the effect of an attachment intervention in areas of multiple deprivation on adult–child interaction and the implications for children's social, emotional and behavioural development. Early Child Development and Care. ISSN 1476-8275

Morgan, Catherine (2021) An exploration of the perceptions of undergraduate trainee teachers regarding the factors that impacted upon their use of incidental Welsh in the primary classroom. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Munro-Morris, Luisa (2017) An examination of philosophy with children as a material discursive practice in a year 7 classroom. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Murphy, Alison and Greenway, Charlotte and Conn, Carmel (2024) Negotiating additional learning needs reform in Wales: The voice of the ALNCo. British Journal of Special Education. ISSN 1467-8578

Murphy, Alison and Roberts, Louisa and Williams, Jane and Chicken, Sarah and Clement, Jennifer and Waters-Davies, Jane and Tyrie, Jacky (2024) Participative rights in Welsh primary schools: unpicking the policy rhetoric. Policy Futures in Education, 23 (2). pp. 295-315. ISSN 1478-2103

Murphy, Alison and Tyrie, Jacky and Waters-Davies, Jane and Chicken, Sarah and Clement, Jennifer (2022) Foundation Phase teachers’ understandings and enactment of participation in school settings in Wales. In: Inclusive pedagogies for early childhood education: respecting and responding to differences in learning. Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, pp. 111-134. ISBN 9781003163206

Murphy, Alison and Waters-Davies, Jane (2022) The Children’s Rights Approach to Early Childhood Education: Policy and Context in Wales. In: Inclusive Pedagogies for Early Childhood Education: Respecting and Responding to Differences in Learning. Taylor & Francis.


Penaluna, Andrew and Penaluna, Kathryn (2015) Entrepreneurial Education in Practice, Part 2 - Building Motivations and Competencies. Entrepreneurship 360 Thematic Paper, OECD..


Rekers, Angela and Waters-Davies, Jane (2022) Cultural Framing of Expectations for Play. In: Introduction to Play. SAGE. (In Press)

Rekers-Power, Angela (2020) Exploring young children’s participation and motive orientation in the classroom and at forest school. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Siencyn, Sian Wyn (2008) Y plentyn bach : cyflwyniad i astudiaethau plentyndod cynnar. University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Caerfyrddin.

Singleton, Tracey and Muldoon, Faith and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2021) The first EntreCompEdu Pioneer School: Dafen Primary, Wales. [Video]

Southern, Alex (2018) Disrupting the Habitus? Media representations and participant experience of Teach First: an exploratory case study in Wales. Teachers and Teaching, 24 (5). pp. 1-14. ISSN Print ISSN: 1354-0602 Online ISSN: 1470-1278

Southern, Alex and Elliott, Jenny and Morley, Colin (2020) Third Space Creative Pedagogies: Developing a Model of Shared CPDL for Teachers and Artists to Support Reading and Writing in the Primary Curricula of England and Wales. International Journal of Education & Literacy Studies, 8 (1). pp. 24-31. ISSN 2202-9478 (In Press)

Stevenson, Anna and Wainwright, Nalda and Williams, Andy (2022) Interventions targeting motor skills in pre-school-aged children with direct or indirect parent engagement: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Education 3-13. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1475-7575

Stewart, Sarah and MacDonald, Natalie and Waters-Davies, Jane (2024) Early Childhood Education in Wales: Policy, Promises and Practice Realities. Wales Journal of Education, 26 (2). pp. 124-139. ISSN 2059-3708


Tinney, Glenda (2023) Big changes! The Great Outdoors and the Curriculum for Wales. FORUM for promoting 3 - 19 comprehensive education, 65 (1). pp. 63-75. ISSN 0963-8253

Tinney, Glenda (2013) Perceptions and understanding of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) by teachers and teacher trainees and the opportunities and challenges of integrating ESDGC into early childhood learning within the Foundation Phase. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Tyrie, Jacky and Chicken, Sarah and Knight, Cathryn and Mannay, Dawn and Tur Porres, Gisselle and Waites, Tegan and Waters-Davies, Jane and Westall, Anna (2023) COVID–19, Education and Learning: Amplifying Young Children’s Voices. Project Report. Llywodraeth Cymru/Welsh Government.


Viney, Michael (2023) Evaluating the Impact of a Reciprocal Teaching Intervention for Learners with Diverse Reading Abilities in the Upper Primary Phase. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


Wainwright, Nalda (2021) The foundation phase in Wales, outdoor learning and motor development. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21 (1). pp. 567-573. ISSN 2247-806X

Wainwright, Nalda and Goodway, Jackie and Whitehead, Margaret and Williams, Andy and Kirk, David (2018) Laying the foundations for physical literacy in Wales: the contribution of the Foundation Phase to the development of physical literacy. Physical education and sport pedagogy, 23 (4). pp. 431-444. ISSN 1742-5786

Wallis, Rachel (2024) Exploring the learning and teaching of multiplicative reasoning through measures: a design-based research project. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Waters, Jane (2017) Affordance theory in outdoor play. In: The SAGE handbook of outdoor play and learning. Sage Reference . Sage Publications Ltd, London. ISBN 9781526402028

Waters-Davies, Jane (2022) Children's Right to Play. In: Introduction to Play. SAGE. (In Press)

Waters-Davies, Jane (2023) Review of: Talking with children: A Handbook of interaction in early childhood education, edited by Amelia Church and Amanda Bateman (Cambridge University Press, 2022). Equinox Publishing. (In Press)

Waters-Davies, Jane and Davies, Prysor and Underwood, Clive and Lloyd-Williams, Siân (2022) Exploring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on learners in Wales. Project Report. Welsh Government.

Waters-Davies, Jane and MacDonald, Natalie The capable child as a threshold concept for inclusive early childhood education and care. In: Inclusive Pedagogies for Early Childhood Education: Respecting and Responding to Differences in Learning. Taylor & Francis. (In Press)

Waters-Davies, Jane and Murphy, Alison and Chicken, Sarah and Tyrie, Jacky and Clement, Jennifer (2024) Constructing child participation in early years classrooms: an exploration from Wales. Children & Society, 38 (5). pp. 1824-1841. ISSN 0951-0605

Waters-Davies, Jane and Tyrie, Jacky and Chicken, Sarah and Knight, Cathryn and Grout, Ellie (2023) Belonging, community and capability: Listening to the voices of young children to realise process quality in early childhood curriculum enactment in Wales. Education 3-13. ISSN 1475-7575

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