Items where Year is 2019

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Number of items: 84.


Allen, Marilyn (2019) de[re]territorialisation. On_Culture, 8. ISSN 2366-4142 (In Press)

Baker, A and Phelps, Ceri (2019) A changing identity: a focus group study of the experiences of women diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. Cancer Nursing Practice, 18 (2). ISSN 1475-4266

Blagrove, Mark and Hale, Sioned and Lockheart, Julia and Carr, Michelle and Jones, Alex and Valli, Katja (2019) Testing the empathy theory of dreaming: The Relationship Between Dream Sharing and Trait and State Empathy. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (1351). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1664-1078

Burton, Janet (2019) Authority and Conflict at the Cistercian Abbey of Strata Florida. Welsh History Review, 29 (3). (Submitted)

Cobb, Matthew (2019) Peoples of the Eastern Desert of Egypt and their Impact on the Red Sea Trade: 1st to 3rd Centuries AD. Ancient West & East, 18. ISSN 1783-8363

Dransart, Penelope (2019) At the mountains' altar: Anthropology of Religion in an Andean Community. By Frank Salomon. Mountain Research and Development, 39 (1). ISSN 1994-7151

Govier, Eloise (2019) Do You Follow? Rethinking Causality in Archaeology. Archaeological Dialogues, 26 (1). ISSN 1380-2038 (Print), 1478-2294 (Online) (In Press)

Gunzburg, Darrelyn (2019) The Horoscopic Place:The Encounter between Astrologer and Client. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 13 (1). pp. 44-60. ISSN 1749-4907

Hopwood, Mererid (2019) Doethineb Iaith. O'r Pedwar Gwynt, Haf (10). pp. 11-14. ISSN 2399-6498

Hurt, L and Langley, K and North, K and Southern, Alex and Copeland, L and Gillard, J and Williams, S.J. (2019) Understanding and improving the care pathway for children with autism. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. ISSN 0952 6862

Hutchings, Paul B. and Sullivan, Katie E. (2019) Prejudice and the Brexit vote: a tangled web. Palgrave Communications, 5 (5).

Jones, Colin and Penaluna, Kathryn and Penaluna, Andrew (2019) The Promise of Andragogy, Heutagogy and Academagogy to Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education Pedagogy. Education + Training, 61 (9). pp. 1170-1186. ISSN 0040-0912

Lohmann-Hancock, Caroline and Morgan, Philip (2019) The uncertainty of students from a widening access context undertaking an integrated master’s degree in social studies. Practice contemporary issues in practitioner education, 1 (1). ISSN 2578-3858

MacDonald, Natalie and Gealy, Ann-Marie and Tinney, Glenda (2019) Exploring the effect of an attachment intervention in areas of multiple deprivation on adult–child interaction and the implications for children's social, emotional and behavioural development. Early Child Development and Care. ISSN 1476-8275

Morgan-Guy, John (2019) 'Receiving scorn and mocking’: the iconography of the Christ aux outrages in Wales and the Western European tradition. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 168. pp. 229-243. ISSN 0306-6924

Oseng-Rees, Tyra and Standen, Ian and Ferriz-Papi, Juan (2019) An interdisciplinary project using recycled glass as an aesthetically pleasing architectural material. Making Futures, 5. ISSN 2042-1664

Penaluna, Liam and Charlton, Peter and Mosey, Stephen and Jenkins, Jason (2019) Imaging of flange bore internal defects using phased array ultrasonic testing. Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 61 (9). pp. 528-535. ISSN 1354-2575

Phillipson, Garry (2019) Astrology as heresy in contemporary belief. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 13 (1). ISSN 1749-4907

Riley, Howard (2019) Beware the 'Slipperiness of Cognitivism': the concise case for doctoral research through practices in the visual arts. Wales Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1 (2). pp. 95-107. ISSN 2396-7285

Riley, Howard (2019) Drawing as language: the systemic-functional semiotic argument. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 2019 (2). pp. 132-144. ISSN 1470-2029

Riley, Howard (2019) Learning drawing: Sustaining the primacy of visualcy within a neo-liberal artschool curriculum. Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 4 (2). pp. 299-309. ISSN 2057-0384

Rodriguez-Morales, Lymarie (2019) A hero's journey: Becoming and transcendence in addiction recovery. Journal of Psychological Therapies, 4 (2). pp. 155-166. ISSN 2054-457x (In Press)

Southern, Alex (2019) The Power of creative learning through the Arts: economic imperative or social good? Power and Education, 11 (2). pp. 175-190. ISSN 17577438

Thatcher, Nicholas and Dingley, J and Williams, D (2019) A study of temperature control in different designs of emergency drug transport bags. Anaesthesia, 74 (7). pp. 868-874. ISSN 1365-2044

Wainwright, Nalda and Goodway, Jackie and John, Amanda and Thomas, Kirsty and Piper, Kate and Williams, Kate and Gardener, David (2019) Developing children’s motor skills in the Foundation Phase in Wales to support physical literacy. International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 3 (13). pp. 2-16. ISSN 0300-4279

Wainwright, Nalda and Goodway, Jackie and Whitehead, Margaret and Williams, Andy and Kirk, David (2019) Playful pedagogy for deeper learning: exploring the implementation of the play based Foundation Phase in Wales. Early Child Development and Care, 190 (2020-1). pp. 43-53. ISSN 1476-8275

Watt, Archie and Phillips, Michael Roberts and Campbell, Carlene and Wells, Ian and Hole, Stephen (2019) Wireless Sensor Networks for monitoring underwater sediment transport. Science of The Total Environment, 667. pp. 160-165. ISSN 00489697

Williams, Andy and Wainwright, Nalda (2019) Rethinking adventurous activities in physical education: models-based approaches. Journal of adventure education and outdoor learning, 19 (3). ISSN 1472-9679

Williams, Heather (2019) Celtic environments: Welsh industrial landscapes through French travelogues. Dix-neuf the online journal of The Society of Dix-neuviémistes, 23 (3-4). ISSN 1478-7318

Williams, Heather (2019) The poetry of Celtic places. Nineteenth-century contexts, 41 (1). ISSN 0890-5495

Zinn, Katharina (2019) The Museum of Lies: Incorrect facts or advancing knowledge of ancient Egypt? Journal of History and Cultures – Special Issue: Myth and Magic: Interdisciplinary Readings of the Reception of Ancient Egypt. ., 2019 (10). pp. 165-190. ISSN 2051-221X

Book Section

Attala, Luci (2019) ‘I am Apple’: relationships of the flesh. Exploring the corporeal entanglements of eating plants in the Amazon. In: Body Matters: Exploring the Materiality of the Body. Materialities in Anthropology and Archaeology Series . University of Wales Press, Cardiff, pp. 48-78. ISBN 9781786834157

Jones, Ken and Angelle, Pamela and Lohmann-Hancock, Caroline (2019) Local implementation of national policy: social justice perspectives from the USA, India, and Wales. In: Cultures of Social Justice Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-3-030-10873-1 (In Press)

Morgan-Guy, John (2019) Cardiganshire in the era of the Reformation. In: Cardiganshire county history. Volume 2 Medieval and early modern Cardiganshire. University of Wales Press, Cardiff, pp. 453-480. ISBN 9781786834522

Morgan-Guy, John (2019) The visit of the eastern metropolitans and patriarchs to St Davids Cathedral in 1925. In: From the East to the isles : approaches to the Eastern connections of the early Churches of Britain and Ireland ; in memory of Donald Allchi. Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, Oxford, pp. 112-129. ISBN 9780903190329

Powell, Melinda (2019) Metaphoric presence in spiritual dreams. In: Dreams: understanding biology, psychology, and culture. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781440856167

Rodriguez-Morales, Lymarie (2019) To thine own self be true: Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery and care of the self. In: Spirituality and Wellbeing Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Religious Experience and Health. Equinox Publishing Ltd, UK. ISBN 9781781797648 (In Press)

Soltani, Pooya and Vilas-Boas, João Paulo (2019) Multi-user virtual environments for physical education and sport training. In: Cases on immersive virtual reality techniques. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 20-41. ISBN 9781522559122

Welton, Nichola and Tinney, Glenda and Saer, Sioned (2019) Enabling children’s rights in Wales with Early Years Professionals: Policy and Practice. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Young Children’s Rights. Routledge International Handbooks of Education . Taylor & Francis, Abingdon-on-Thames UK. ISBN 9780367142018

Williams, Heather (2019) La construction du Moyen Âge dans les récits de voyage français portant sur le pays de Galles, ou : Alfred Erny, celtomane en Galles en 1862. In: Enjeux épistémologiques des recherches sur les Bretagnes médiévales. CRBC, Brest.

Conference or Workshop Item

Calder, Rebecca (2019) Nemetona: Goddess of the Sacred Grove or Goddess of War? In: Posters in Parliament: British Conference for Undergraduate Research (07/03/2019), 7 March 2019, London, Houses of Parliament.

Healey-Benson, Felicity (2019) Influence of Online Discussion (OD) design for Critical Thinking Skill (CTS) development. In: The Wales Nexus Conference 2019, 10-11th July 2019, Swansea. (Unpublished)

Healey-Benson, Felicity (2019) To VLOG or Not to VLOG? Assessing Skills for Industry 4.0. In: 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, 3-7th November 2019, Dublin.

Polenakovik, Radmil and Stankovska, Ivana and Penaluna, Andrew and Penaluna, Kathryn and Jovanovski, Bojan (2019) A methodology for closing the gap between the competences of students and recent graduates and labour market needs. The case of the Republic of North Macedonia. In: International Conference of Education Research and Innovation, 11 - 13th November 2019, Seville.

Stone, Charlotte (2019) Brigid or Brigantia: A 'Pan-Celtic' Goddess in Profile. In: Posters in Parliament: British Conference for Undergraduate Researech (07/03/2019), 7 March 2019, London, Houses of Parliament.


Attala, Luci and Steel, Louise, eds. (2019) Body Matters: Exploring the Materiality of the Human Body. Materialities in Anthropology and Archaeology Series . University of Wales Press, Cardiff. ISBN 9781786834157

Attala, Luci (2019) How Water Makes Us Human: Engagements with the Materiality of Water. Materialities in Anthropology and Archaeology . University of Wales Press, Cardiff. ISBN 9781786834119

Erickson, Kyle (2019) The Early Seleukids, their gods and their coins. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415793766

Koch, John (2019) Common Ground and Progress on the Celtic of the South-western (S.W.) Inscriptions. University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies.


Abusharif, Ibrahim N. (2019) Cyber-Islamic Environments and Salafī-Ṣūfī Contestations Appropriating Digital Media and Challenges to Religious Authority. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Ahmed, Md Rubel (2019) Growth and challenges of the Islamic banking system: A perspective of the British Bangladeshi Muslim Community in London, United Kingdom. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Appleton, Briony (2019) Anadem An Exploration of Queer Representation and Dress in Young Adult (YA) Dystopia. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Cezar, Richard Albert Gerard (2019) Musical and Religious Experiences: Their Relationship and Influences on Humanity. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Coggins, Julie Ann (2019) Science and the farmer: the development of agriculture in West Wales, 1900-1950. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Dalvi, Mohammed Subhan (2019) Fatawa and their development since the early Islamic era. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Day, Kathleen (2019) Unangax̂ Mummies as Whalers: A Multidisciplinary Contextualization of Human Mummification in the Aleutian Islands. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

De Figueiredo Azze, Cássio (2019) A production of alterity: The Wayãpi of the Upper Oyapock and isolated groups. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Freeman, Maria (2019) An analysis of atonement theory in St. Athanasius’ De Incarnatione in relation to earlier thinking. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Hamill, Jill (2019) Looking at the Curious Game of Translation: Exploring the Worlds of Alice, Wittgenstein and the Translator. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Hart, Victor (2019) An Inquiry into the nature of Justice. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Kang, Al Younghoon (2019) The Vanishing Point The Relevance of Traditional Art Methodologies to Digital Content Creation Pipelines. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Ketcha Djiffouet, Annel Ludovic (2019) An Investigation into the Acquisition of Tacit Knowledge in e-Learning Environments: An Experimental Study. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Layser, Christopher (2019) Can an Iconological Analysis of a Classic Period Vase (K1485) Further our Understanding of Ancient Maya Skyscapes? Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Luxton, Jordan (2019) Holistic security 4.0. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Mancinelli, Tanja (2019) Subjectivity, Ecology, and Meditation. Dynamics of Heart-Meditations and potential Implications for the Ecological Self. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Miranda, Beñat Eguiluz (2019) Beyond Iberian Bizcayan shipbuilding: A transnational network in transition,1550-1650. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Morgan, Mari (2019) Braids of Song Gwead y Gân. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Morgan, Robert (2019) Tales for the Borderlands - a triptych Home: Exile: Return. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Oberg, Andrew Ryan (2019) A Realist Argument for the Self: Emotions and Consciousness in Self-Making. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Purohit, Sheena (2019) Love in Separation: An exploration of longing in devotion (Viraha-Bhakti) in the Hindu and Christian faiths. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Reynolds, Alun (2019) New visions / new insights : a critical examination of the Victorian photography album 900. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Rubin, David (2019) Astrology in the Torah: a comparative study of astrological themes in the Hebrew Bible and Babylonian Talmund. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Schuller, Govert (2019) The possibility conditions of narrative identity. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Scott, Alison Clare (2019) Particles and Waves: Poetic Responses to Place - Psycho-geography and/as practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Smith, Teresa (2019) Spiritual healing in search of an identity: analysis of spiritual healers’ own accounts of healing in Britain from 1900 to 1965. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Stenina, Anna (2019) Augmenting the agency of marginalised members of society within the semiotic authority of narrative form. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Taha, Adnan Faraj Othman (2019) The impact of logistics service quality (LSQ), relationship marketing (RM) and relationship power (RP) on customer satisfaction in the Jordanian third party logistics (3PL) industry from customers’ perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Turco, Francesca (2019) The Quest for Happiness. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Watt, Archie (2019) A Novel Method of Determining Sediment Transport using Ultrasonic Wireless Sensors. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Williams, Kate (2019) Exploring the Efficacy of a Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Injury Reduction Strategy in Professional Rugby Union. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Winn, Michael (2019) Organisational Resilience and Competitive Advantage of United Kingdom (UK) Autism Charities: The Impact of Online Volunteering. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Wynne-Rhydderch, Samantha (2019) Hearing Voices, Telling Tales: An exploration of the move from page to stage in the work of Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch 1998 - 2018. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Data Collection

Sullivan, Katie E. and Hutchings, Paul B. (2019) A Little More Prejudiced, A Little More Authoritarian: The Immediate Impact of Terror Attacks on Authoritarian and Prejudice Attitudes. [Data Collection]


Waters, Jane and Rekers, Angela (2019) Young Children’s Outdoor Play-Based Learning. Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development, Montreal.

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