Items where Year is 2024

Ali, Maaruf and Miraz, Mahdi H. and Ware, Andrew and Domnori, Elton and Pepkolaj, Lekë, eds. (2024) Proceedings 2024 International Conference on Computing, Networking, Telecommunications & Engineering Sciences Applications (CoNTESA), Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana (UMT), Tirana, 18th -19th December, 2024. International Conference on Computing, Networking, Telecommunications & Engineering Sciences Applications (CoNTESA), 1 (1). Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, USA. ISBN 979-8-3315-3453-0
Ali, Maaruf and Miraz, Mahdi H. and Ware, Andrew and Tulicic, Domagoj, eds. (2024) Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Computing, Networking, Telecommunications & Engineering Sciences Applications (CoNTESA ’23). Conference on Computing, Networking, Telecommunications & Engineering Sciences Applications (CoNTESA) . Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, USA. ISBN 979-8-3503-8275-4
Abdulla, Mohamed (2024) Talent Management as a Strategic Imperative for Value Creation: A Critical Analysis of Talent Management Practice Among State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Maldives. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Abramova, Anzhelika (2024) Changing Anti-Corruption Practices in Ukraine: 2022 Onwards. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Adcock, Raymond (2024) 1290 A.D or 1307 A.D? When? Why? And by Whom? Was a Medieval Charter Granted to the Township of Laugharne, West Wales. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Akande, Azeezat Omotanwa Asabi (2024) Language Attitudes Towards Arabic and English in the State of Qatar: A study of secondary schoolchildren, in two dual language private schools predominantly attended by Qatari and native Arabic-speaking children. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Akodu, Ashiyat K. and Adedeji, Adebola R. and Zibiri, Rasheedah A. and Bakre, Aishat T. (2024) Effect of telerehabilitation-based core-stability exercise on pain-related disability, pain self-efficacy, and psychological factors in individuals with non-specific chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled study. Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy, 29 (1). ISSN 2536-9660
Alexander, Danielle Lisa Casling (2024) Unearthed: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of the Romano-Celtic Temple on Hayling Island. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Amamnsunu, Johnson Elijah (2024) Healing and Reconciliation: Applying Trauma Theory, Social Identity Theory, and Dialogical Approaches to Interfaith Dialogue among Nigerian Christians and Muslims in Nigeria and the UK. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Angove, Gary M. (2024) Language Domains and Status in Middle Cornish. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Asfi, Sarwat (2024) Diversity And Inclusion In FIFA Leadership: The Perspective of Female Footballers. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Asghar, Saima (2024) Employees experience of authentic leadership: a UK prespective. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ashburner, Jo (2024) The ‘Must Have’ Imperative of Social Value. Causal effects of Globalisation and Reflections on the Future of Ethics in Business. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Asongu, Simplice A. and Rahman, Mushfiqur and Adu‐Gyamfi, Richard and Salahodjaev, Raufhon (2024) Tourism management synergies in Sub‐Saharan Africa. World Affairs, 187 (1). pp. 63-77. ISSN 1940-1582
Atkinson, Nikole (2024) UK prisons and the impact of health and wellbeing of prisoners: A systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Aydin, Erhan and Rahman, Mushfiqur and Bulut, Cagri and Biloslavo, Roberto (2024) Technological Advancements and Organizational Discrimination: The Dual Impact of Industry 5.0 on Migrant Workers. Administrative Sciences, 14 (10). ISSN 2076-3387
Baker, Abeigail (2024) Finding my therapeutic voice: a heuristic enquiry into the power of magic. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ballali Ebbi, Hammada (2024) Development of a Bagging-based Ensemble Model for ECG Classification. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Bell, Jacob (2024) A Phenomenological Analysis of Meaningful Existence. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ben-Gal, Oren (2024) Supporting Autistic Employees in Learning in the Workplace: A Qualitative Phenomenological Investigation in the Israeli High-tech Context. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Besta, Tomasz and Jurek, Pawel and Olech, Michal and Wtodarczyk, Anna and Kosakowska-Berezecka, Natasza and Bosson, Jennifer K and Bender, Michael and Hutchings, Paul B. and Sullivan, Katie E. and Zadkowska, Magdalena (2024) Measuring Collective Action Intention Toward Gender Equality Across Cultures. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 40 (5). ISSN 2151-2426
Beton, Judith (2024) The Royal Nunneries in the Landscape of Anglo-Saxon Wessex 871–1066. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Bhamji, Talha Mohamed (2024) The Role of Hijra in the History of Deoband: Preserving Islam in a Minority Context. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Bhut, Krishna Nileshkumar (2024) The Impact of Social isolation and loneliness on mental health and overall wellbeing of geriatric Population: A systemic literature review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Bianchi, Rafael Henrique (2024) Fundamentals of the neuroscience of learning to support Content-and-Language Integrated-Learning-(CLIL)-based lesson planning in primary education: potentialising learning through a basic understanding of the brain in childhood. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Bitri, Rea and Ali, Maaruf (2024) A Comparative Review of GPT-4’s Applications in Medicine and High Decision Making. In: 2023 International Conference on Computing, Networking, Telecommunications & Engineering Sciences Applications (CoNTESA), 14 - 15 Dec 2023, Zagreb, Croatia.
Bouteska, Ahmed and Bhuiyan, Faruk and Sharif, Taimur and Miftah, Badir and Abedin, Mohammad Zoynul (2024) Impact of green bonds on traditional equity markets. Research in International Business and Finance, 73. ISSN 02755319
Boxer, Paul (2024) To investigate the effectiveness of functional safety planning, verification, validation and competence throughout the entire process safety lifecycle. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Briant, Rebecca M. and Bates, Martin R. and Robertson, Jenni and Schwenninger, Jean-Luc and Whittaker, John E. (2024) Indicative meanings of geological sea-level indicators in the Solent region and Sussex coast (south coast of England) and implications for uplift rates. Journal of the Geological Society. ISSN 2041-479X
Burdett, Scott (2024) Green Banking in Hong Kong: Exploring the Attitudes and Knowledge of Middle Tier Management in Foreign Banks. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Cai, Hanzhe (2024) Bridge Pier Surface Defect Detection Based on Improved YOLOV9. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Chalavadi, Sreenivasa (2024) Analysing Innovative Idea of 'Make In India': India's Journey from 10th Largest to 5th Largest Economy. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Chen, Xiao (2024) Multimodal representation and translation of the official UK tourism website into Chinese. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Chen, Yuanhao (2024) Protein Function Prediction Using Graph Convolutional Network. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Choi, Wai Shan (2024) How Various Experimental Learning Activities Affecting on Students' Learning Motivation and Satisfaction in Business Education. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Clancy, Sharon and Jones, Iain (2024) Introduction: lived experience, lifelong learning, community activism and social change. In: Lived experience, lifelong learning, community activism and social change. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781032715582
Cobb, Matthew (2024) Diplomacy and (mis)comprehension in the Antique Indian Ocean: gift-giving and ritual as a form of communication. Topoi. Orient - Occident. ISSN 1764-0733 (In Press)
Cobb, Matthew (2024) An Indian Ocean global revolution (300 BCE to 100 CE)? In: A global revolution? Objects and change in Afro-Eurasia in the final centuries BCE. Antiquity in Global Context series . Cambridge University Press. (In Press)
Cobb, Matthew (2024) Spices in the Ancient World. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Food Studies. (In Press)
Constantine, Mary-Ann and Kaminski-Jones, Rhys (2024) “Excuse the Spelling Which is Probably Wrong”: Wordsworth and Tourism’s Welsh Languages. Studies in Romanticism, 63 (2). ISSN 2330-118X (In Press)
Constantine, Mary-Ann and Leask, Nigel (2024) Introduction: Romanticism, Travel and the Celtic Languages. Studies in romanticism, 63 (2). ISSN 2330-118X (In Press)
Conyers, Timothy (2024) Roman Itineraries: A Cultural Approach. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Cooke, Zoe (2024) The Psychosocial Cancer Evaluation Toolkit: developing a tailored evaluation protocol and interface for the evaluation of cancer support initiatives. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Cooper, Carl Norman (2024) Strategic partners’ experience of collaboration with particular reference to the involvement of the third sector in health, care and well-being planning in Wales: A phenomenological study of Regional Partnership Boards 2018-2023. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Cumpstone, Peter William (2024) Evaluate and analyse the Welsh Community Care Information System implementation within the NHS and Local Authorities in Wales. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Currie, Heidi Helena (2024) Accessing the Authentic Psychiatric Experience: Using Psychiatric Artefacts and Archival Documents to Facilitate Object-Based Learning in the Law and Criminology Classroom. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Dalrymple, Angela (2024) An Exploration of Collaboration Between Employers, Professional Bodies and Academics in Business Curricula in UK Higher Education Institutions: A Phenomenological Study. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Davies, Christopher (2024) The Learning Ultimatum: Why facilitated learning is vital for nurturing authentic-agape, uplifting, indelible, future intelligent leaders who collaborate meaningfully and innovate purposefully. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Davies, Jonathan (2024) Evaluating the Introduction of the Digital Intervention Patient Participation Booking within Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Davies, Olivia (2024) Large-Scale Block-Play and the Five Development Pathways. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
De Silva, R.M Anoma (2024) An Enquiry into Dynamics Influencing Successful Women in Managerial Leadership Positions in Manufacturing Organizations: A Competency Development Model to Account for Challenges in Achieving Workplace Accession. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Dharva, Parth (2024) Assessing the disparities in COVID-19 outcomes among different socioeconomic and demographic groups and implications for public health policy. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Dohn, Nina Bonderup and Adams, Catherine and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Johnson, Michael Rhys (2024) Introducing Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning Experiences. In: 14th Networked Learning Conference 2024, 15-17 May 2024, Malta.
Dong, Xiangyu and Walcott, Terry H. and Li, Yijing and Pan, Mingge and Gao, Ya and Dong, Andi (2024) A New Approach to XR Education: Student-Centred Learning and Gamification in Electric Power Training. In: International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems, January 28-29 2024, Applied Science University in Bahrain.
Dooru, Naveena (2024) The Impact of Food Environment in Childhood Obesity in the UK: A Systematic Review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Dowling, Keith (2024) How Ought We to Justify our Moral Judgements? Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Edgeworth, Matthew and Bauer, Andrew M. and Ellis, Erle C. and Finney, Stanley C. and Gill, Jacqueline L. and Gibbard, Philip L. and Maslin, Mark and Merritts, Dorothy J. and Walker, Michael J. C. (2024) The Anthropocene Is More Than a Time Interval. Earth's Future, 12 (7). ISSN 2328-4277
Edwards, Elizabeth and McCue, Kirsteen (2024) Making Song Travel: Crosscurrents of Language and Landscape in Welsh and Scottish Song Collections, 1804–1818. Studies in Romanticism, 63 (2).
Edwards, Thomas Joseph (2024) Evolution of Servitised Circular Economy-Driven Models Within a Nascent Business Case Study. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ekpenyong, Mandu S. and Jagun, Halimat and Stephen, Hope A. and Bakre, Aishat T. and Odejimi, Opeyemi and Miller, Eula and Nyashanu, Mathew and Bosun-Arije, Stella F. (2024) Investigation of the Prevalence and factors Influencing Tobacco and Alcohol use among Adolescents in Nigeria: A systematic literature review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. p. 111091. ISSN 03768716 (In Press)
Elias, Gwenno Angharad (2024) ‘Ail i neb yn ei ddysg Gymraeg’: Dr Siôn Dafydd Rhys a Chyfraith Hywel. Studia Celtica. ISSN 2058-5098
Errom, Aliza (2024) Impact of Trust on Continuous Usage within Internet Only Banks (IOB) of the UK: A Quantitative Study on Continuous Trust. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Evans, Ceryn and Welton, Nichola and Pitman, Jessica and Clegg, Zoe and Williams, Darrel (2024) An ethic of care in two community focused schools in Wales. Research Papers in Education. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1470-1146
Faleiro, Tiago (2024) Assurance, persuasion and character - an Aristotelian reading. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ferguson, Michelle (2024) The Role of Dogs in Medieval Wales. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ferrigno, Arcangelo (2024) An investigation into how Online business has been boosted by the changing of customer behaviour during the Pandemic. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Flatley, Alissa and Drummond, Matthew and Cunningham, Alisdair and Alun, Elanor and Jenkins, Rhian and Williams, Hannah (2024) Optimising Survey Approaches for Over-Stabilised Urban Dunes in South Wales. Journal of Coastal Research, 113 (sp1). ISSN 0749-0208
Forbes, Alison (2024) The Reception of Rebekah Within Genesis. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Fordham, Penelope (2024) Calpurnius Siculus: Exploring pastoral en route to the city. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Forster, Geraint (2024) The Effects of Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse on Fasted High-Intensity Interval Training in Recreationally Trained Individuals. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Free, Danielle (2024) Celtic Women in Context: Comparative Perspectives on Stereotypes and Gender Roles of Ancient Women. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Fu, Hangtao (2024) Impact of living space on people’s mental and emotion well-being: An eco-design “Revolving House”. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Gao, Ya and Walcott, Terry H. and Dong, Xiangyu and Li, Yijing (2024) Research on Health Management Design for the Elderly in the Context of Smart Healthcare. In: International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems, January 28-29 2024, Applied Science University in Bahrain.
Gardner, Katie (2024) Adoptive Parenting From Placement to Adoption Order: “Long, Gruelling, Intrusive and in the End… Just Another Number on Someone’s Spreadsheet”. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Goddard, James (2024) Evaluation of the Usability and Fit Between Individual, Task, Technology and Environment of an Electronic Prescribing and Administration System (ePMA). Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Graham, Tanya and Sooriah, Sangeeta and Chang, Yan-Shing and Hashimdeen, Shaikh and Meydan, Turgut and Grocott, Patricia (2024) Translating patient needs into medical device development: co-design of a photoprotection visor for Xeroderma Pigmentosum using qualitative interviews. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 19 (1). ISSN 1750-1172
Greenway, Charlotte (2024) Adolygiad integredig o’r dull ysgol gyfan o gefnogi iechyd a lles emosiynol a meddyliol dysgwyr yng Nghymru. Gwerddon (38). pp. 77-102. ISSN 1741-4261
Greenway, Charlotte (2024) Exploring Classroom Grouping Practices in Wales. Wales Journal of Education. ISSN 2059-3708 (In Press)
Greenway, Charlotte (2024) Learner experiences of low attainment groups in the context of a rights approach to education. Pedagogy, Culture & Society. ISSN 1747-5104
Grigg, Russell and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Israel, Hazel and McCallum, Elin and Oksanen, Lea (2024) Chapter 6: Reflecting on the potential of EntreCompEdu to stimulate teachers’ entrepreneurial thinking and activity. In: Stimulating Entrepreneurial Activity in a European Context. Business 2024 . Elgar, pp. 112-134. ISBN 9781802200676 (Submitted)
Gunter, Nathan Darran (2024) Automated throughput optimisation: a cost effective I4.0 solution. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Hadley-Piggin, Jonathan (2024) Keystone Law: A Study into the Characteristics and Implications of Change in an International Platform Law Firm. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Hameed, Ahmer (2024) The Impact(s) of Corporate Social Responsibilities and Ethical Practices on Employee Performance and Turnover in the Textile Industry of Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Hammond, Isaac (2024) Evaluating UK Crisis Interventions: Fiscal, Monetary, and Regulatory Policy Responses to the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Hanna, Ross (2024) Algebraic Reconstruction Methods for Complex Geometry Components. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Haughton, Odayne (2024) The novel Proof of Efficiency (PoEf) Consensus Mechanism: improved efficiency and cybersecurity for Blockchain-based Supply Chain Management Systems. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Haylock, Jonathan (2024) Beyond Borders: Exploring the Life Significance of Outdoor Adventure Education Study Abroad Programmes in Wales. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Healey-Benson, Felicity (2024) A hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry into higher education educators' engagement with technology for facilitating higher order thinking skills. In: Fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning 2024, 15-17 May 2024, Valletta, Malta.
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Johnson, Michael R. and Adams, Catherine and Turville, Joni (2024) What Is it Like for a Learner to Participate in a Zoom Breakout Room Session? In: Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. Research in networked learning . Springer Cham, Switzerland, pp. 125-152. ISBN 9783031627798
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Kirby, David A. (2024) BBaChau Cymru’n Mynd i’r afael â Nod Datblygu Cynaliadwy 16. Project Report. ISSUU.
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Kirby, David A. (2024) Welsh Harmonious SMEs addressing SDG 16. Project Report. ISSUU.
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Kirby, David A. (2024) Welsh Harmonious SMEs: a Blueprint for Addressing Inequality through Entrepreneurship. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 46th Annual Conference, 6-7 November 2024, Cutler's Hall, Sheffield..
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Kirby, David A. (2024) The harmonious entrepreneurship online global student competition: an example of meaningful extracurricular entrepreneurship education. In: Extracurricular Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Activity: A Global and Holistic Perspective. Emerald Publishing Limited. ISBN 9781803823720
Healey-Benson, Felicity and Ranson, Paul and Penaluna, Kathryn (2024) Leveraging AI to embed the three Es in an online PGCert Enterprise programme underpinned by EntreComp. In: Unpacking the 3Es – a national perspective. HEFCW, Cardiff, pp. 90-99.
Holland, Kai (2024) Visual scientific modelling – a visual hypothesis for the nature of consciousness & the evolution of conscious awareness. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Hong, Jiajun (2024) Understanding the Adjustment of Chinese Business Expatriates: A Grounded Theory Study. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Humphrey, Thomas John William (2024) Exploring the Social Lives of Cylinder Seals in Late Cypriot Society. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Humphreys, Rebekah and Varghese, Nithin (2024) ‘The Trio-Model’: a new, transformative framework for an old, broken system. Jahr - European Journal of Bioethics, 15 (1). ISSN 1848-7874 (In Press)
Husain, Adnan Mustafa (2024) The Bedouin of the Fatimid Empire: Faith vs. Politics in a Medieval Islamic Empire. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Husain, Insiyah Adnan (2024) Exploring Legal Frameworks and Social Realities: A Comparative Study of Ismāʿīlī Women in Fatimid Egypt and the Contemporary Dawoodi Bohra Community. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Iatrakis, Ilias Gideon (2024) Measurement and Analysis of Rider Input and Motorcycle Response in High-Performance Environments. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Jaiyesimi, Wemimo Bright (2024) The Dignity of Difference: Christian Particularity and the Possibility of Interreligious Dialogue. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Jani, Kavitaben Parthkumar (2024) The Role of Public Health Education in Promoting Heart Health and Preventing Coronary Artery Disease among adults worldwide: A Systematic Literature Review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Jenkins Carter, Sharon (2024) Identity, culture and belonging in the iron mining landscape of the Canigou Mountain, France. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
John, Amanda and Wainwright, Nalda and Goodway, Jacqueline D. and Williams, Andy (2024) Examining the fidelity of implementation of SKIP Cymru (Successful kinaesthetic instruction for pre-schoolers- Wales) by early childhood teachers in Wales following a programme of professional development. Physical education and sport pedagogy. ISSN 1742-5786
John, Amanda and Wainwright, Nalda and Goodway, Jacqueline D. and Williams, Andy (2024) The Relationship between Physical Activity and Motor Competence of Foundation Phase Children in Wales during the School Day. Children, 11 (6). ISSN 2227-9067
Johnson, Michael R. and Healey-Benson, Felicity and Adams, Catherine and Dohn, Nina Bonderup (2024) Introducing Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. In: Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. Research in networked learning . Springer Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9783031627798
Jones, Ffion Mair and Beeley, Philip and Ryan, Yann (2024) “From the cabinets of mere vertuosi into the busy world”: Thomas Pennant’s natural philosophical networks and the creation of British zoology, 1752–1766. Huntington Library Quarterly, 86 (2). ISSN 1544-399X
Kan, Chi-Yin (2024) A Study of the Use of Video Conferencing Technology in Training as an Effective Mode of Training for Financial Advisors in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Kaur, Arvin (2024) Key enablers that influence Sustainable Development of Smart City: Penang, Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Khan, Nazia (2024) Barriers to Access Palliative Care for Ethnic Minorities, Particularly South Asians in the UK: A Systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Khanam, Sabina (2024) The effects of depression on quality of life in the ageing population: A systematic literature review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Kirby, David A. and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2024) Harmonious entrepreneurship in emerging economies –a sustainable model for addressing global inequality. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 16. ISSN 2053-4604
Kirby, David A. and Healey-Benson, Felicity (2024) The need for a new entrepreneurship paradigm to address the issue of inequality. In: ICSB ANNUAL Global Micro-,Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Report. International Council for Small Businesses, pp. 70-76. ISBN 9781737416852
Koch, John (2024) Old Welsh Teuhant, Ancient Brythonic TASCIIOVANTIS and Trinovantes. Studia Celtica, 58 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0081-6353
Kwan, Hok Ming (2024) The Value of Technology Transfer on the Development of Entrepreneurship Capabilities: A Study of the Educational Technology Industry in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Lai, Xiaoling (2024) Continuums and Conjunctions: An assemblage of Eastern and Western architectural and philosophical perspectives. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Lanz, Kate (2024) What is the Value as Described by Senior Leaders of Understanding Individual Brain Sex Differences in the Workplace - An Exploration. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Lau, Ching Hoi Patrick (2024) Towards Developing a Management Framework for Managing Inbound Open Innovation Based High-Tech SMEs in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Lau, Chun Kavan (2024) The impact of corporate social responsibility on employee loyalty in chinese firms: investigating the interrelationships between csr, organisational culture and employee Loyalty. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Lee, Wing Han Helen (2024) Paradigm of symbiosis as a mechanism of artificial intelligence and customers’ patronage decision in the hospitality sector: the moderating role of customer engagement. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. ISSN 1741-6507
Lee, Wing Han Helen and Chan, Suk Ha Grace and Tang, Binglin Martin and Chen, Ziyi (2024) Legacy of culture heritage building revitalization: place attachment and culture identity. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. 01-20. ISSN 1664-1078
Lee, Wing Han Helen and Chong, Ka Po and De Silva, Jaliya and Song, Zhiwen Evan (2024) Trajectory of Innovation and Transformation on Yum Cha Culture (Dim Sum): Perspectives of Chinese Restaurants - An Exploratory Study. In: Cases on Innovation and Sustainability in Tourism. IGI Global (ISSN: 2475-6547; eISSN: 2475-6555), Online, pp. 21-53.
Lee, Ying Ching (2024) An Examination of the Worldviews and Practices of Contemporary Chinese Astrologers. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Letzerich, Erica (2024) Categories of Mystical Experience in The Voice of the Silence by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Leung, Kelvin Yiu Fai (2024) A Study of the Relationships between Listed Companies' Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting, Company Value and Investment Risk in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Li, Yijing and Walcott, Terry H. and Dong, Xiangyu and Xue, Feng and Bengsch, Geraldine and Gao, Ya (2024) Innovation in the Mode of Production of Jun Porcelain from User-driven. In: International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems, January 28-29 2024, Applied Science University in Bahrain.
Lidheem, Mahamood (2024) Investigating EMV chip and pin card security. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Liu, Liwei (2024) Machine Learning-Driven Corrosion Detection and Classification in Pipelines. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Livingston, Kay and Waters-Davies, Jane (2024) Agency in negotiating partnerships in initial teacher education: shifting sands. European Journal of Teacher Education, 47 (5). pp. 1073-1090. ISSN 1469-5928
Lockheart, Julia (2024) Painting and socializing COVID-19 dreams. International Journal of Surrealism, 1 (2). pp. 87-108. ISSN 2837-4649
Lopez, Solomon (2024) Factors influencing the prevalence rate of ASD amongst children, a systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Luo, Yunpeng and Zohner, Constantin and Crowther, Thomas W. and Feng, Jianlan and Hoch, Günter and Li, Peng and Richardson, Andrew D. and Vitasse, Yann and Gessler, Arthur (2024) Internal physiological drivers of leaf development in trees: Understanding the relationship between non‐structural carbohydrates and leaf phenology. Functional Ecology. ISSN 1365-2435
Mahadevappa, Poornima and Al-amri, Redhwan and Alkawsi, Gamal and Alkahtani, Ammar and Alghenaim, Mohammed and Alsamman, Mohammed (2024) Analyzing Threats and Attacks in Edge Data Analytics within IoT Environments. IoT, 5 (1). pp. 123-154. ISSN 2624-831X
Mahadevappa, Poornima and Murugesan, Raja Kumar and Al-Amri, Redhwan and Thabit, Reema and Al-Ghushami, Abdullah Hussein and Alkawsi, Gamal (2024) A secure edge computing model using machine learning and IDS to detect and isolate intruders. MethodsX, 12. p. 102597. ISSN 2215-0161
Mahadikar, Sudhir (2024) eVTOL’s (Electric Vertical Take‐Off and Landing aircrafts) as air taxis – A realisable urban air mobility solution or An innovation overpromise on being green and sustainable – Case Study on City of London. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Mancinelli, Tanja (2024) Harmonious Living: Sustainability, Ecology, and Eco-Islam in Wales. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Mantilla-Duran, Fernando (2024) Assessing awareness and innovation challenges in SMEs: a case study in the Geoscience Sector. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Marsh, Tymothy (2024) A Commentary on Chapters 39 - 46 of 'De Vita Iulii Agricolae' by Cornelius Tacitus. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Martínez, Víctor García (2024) The Cult of the Muses in Thespiai. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Mathias, Kay (2024) What are the participatory experiences and potential barriers for young people living in a rural area of West Wales? Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
McCarthy, Matthew (2024) Developing a data analysis methodology for incident reporting data to better understand patient safety incidents. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Miftah, Badir (2024) The Determinants of Sovereign Credit Default Swaps (CDS) Spread. Strategic Financial Review, 1 (2). pp. 79-107. ISSN 3064-9064
Minzlaff, Kathrine Anne and Palmer, Stephen and Fillery-Travis, Annette (2024) The significance and challenges of turnover and retention of millennial professionals. Journal of Work-Applied Management. ISSN 2205-2062
Minzlaff, Kathrine and Palmer, Stephen and Fillery-Travis, Annette (2024) Increasing Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment Through Coaching. International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 5 (4). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2634-7946
Morris, Matthew (2024) Sensorial Materiality: A Sensorial and Material Reanalysis of Elite Pazyryk (600200 BCE) Textiles from Pazyryk Barrow Number Five. Masters thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
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